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HO Trains With HO Slot Cars?

Brian has an unusal question someone might like to tackle:

“I am almost ready to start putting my first train layout and I want to integrate an HO
scale slot car track with the train layout but I am having trouble finding a slot car track fo a rr crossing and wanted to ask if and where I can get a couple of that track peices before I start hacking up track trying to make one on my own.”

One Response to HO Trains With HO Slot Cars?

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Brian, I have been on a lot of sites and I view a lot of on line stores and EBAY. If you are going to find something like you are asking for I would check on ebay, and there are modelers out there that for a price they would probably build it for you. I personally have never seen what you are asking for, but I never really looked directly for it either. If you really want to make a crossing with your track you will have to improvise, maybe you could use a train track street crossing or slot car track and (bash it, adapt it to your needs) with a dremel type tool. If you are real good at building models and kit bashing, you should be able to do it. How ever at all crossings I would either make an overpass or an under pass for the trains or the cars so that they pass under or over and it will give it a nice look, which ever would be the easiest. Tony P

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