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Insulation Boards Make Excellent Layout Bases

John sent in this idea to share with readers:

There are many ways of making a platform on which to set up your tracks, trains, and scenery, and as model enthusiasts have found, foam insulation boards make a lightweight but strong and sturdy base. This is not the foam board made of styrofoam pebbles used for packaging that falls apart after awhile; rather, it is used mainly for structure insulation and comes in 2-feet X 8-feet lengths (see photo). This board is found in most home improvement stores, and comes in pink, blue, or green colors. There is even a 4 x 8 board that seems perfect for HO!

 The foam insulation board comes in varying thicknesses, but I’ve found that one-inch and two-inches work best. This board can easily be cut to any size or shape (carefully) using a razor knife or Hot Wire Foam Cutter, and are readily joined using white glue and/or masking tape. Pieces of board that are left over can be used for all types of scenery – landscape, hills, and tunnels. There are some who make the entire train table and legs using foam insulation, but I would not recommend this. Just use the board as a horizontal base and you’ll have something that will last for years.

6 Responses to Insulation Boards Make Excellent Layout Bases

  • Anonymous says:

    One problem I have found with insulation board is when you drill holes for your wiring to run underneath it is a pain to try to run the wiring down through the board unless you drill a huge hole. ??????

  • Anonymous says:

    Instead of a drill I would use an ice pick or some other pointed metal rod slightly larger the the size wire being used. Another idea is to use a short length of brass tube (from Micro-Mark small tool company) slightly larger than the diameter of the wire used. Flatten one end of the tube. Insert the wire. Push both through the foam board. Remove the tube from the bottom side and presto your wire is through. Just hook it up to the bus wire and you are ready to go.

  • Dave says:

    I was the one mentioned the brass tube. Here is an addition: If your insulation board is on a plywood sheet or other hard surface a drill bit slightly larger than the tube would be needed to drill through the insulation then through the plywood. Then the tube with the wire inside could be pushed through the layout. The tip of brass tube would not need to be flattened or sharpened. Tube does not even need to be brass. Copper or even a plastic straw could be used. I hope this helps.

  • Anonymous says:

    do you have to peel the paper or alum foil backing off or do you leave it on?

  • Anonymous says:

    Good idea!

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