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Why Older Model Railroaders Need To Pass On Knowledge To Younger People In The Hobby

Have you got any experience building or operating a model railroad layout?

What can you do to help others in the hobby (especially beginners)?

If you know a little (or a lot) about model railroading, then please join in and add your comments and feedback to the various postings on this Model Train Help blog.

There will be lots of others in the hobby who could benefit from your knowledge and experience. Please don’t just read these postings and think to yourself “I know that answer”, but then do nothing. A little time and effort on your part could hugely benefit several others in the hobby.

We are all getting older and it is critical that experience and knowledge is passed on to younger ones in this hobby.

Please! Please! Share your knowledge and experience with others. We are all in this hobby together. We are not commercial competitors, so what does it matter if someone else knows how you did something and solved a problem? Share your knowledge.

Please help!

One Response to Why Older Model Railroaders Need To Pass On Knowledge To Younger People In The Hobby

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Robert, I agree 110%!!!!! I never liked the idea that if I tell you, you will know as much as I do. I like to share my trial and errors so that maybe you dont have to make the errors, and I would hope that most others would feel the same. For the newbe they might get discouraged and quit. I built some crazy layouts in my life and none were perfect but they all worked and my friends and I had a lot of fun. Today I am a little more accurate with what I do but I dont go for perfection. I mix and match loco’s and cars to what I like. I have been around real trains and walked real rail roads when I was a kid and got chased and……. well you get the picture. Other than the track spacing nothing in the real world is perfect. I enjoy sharing my limited know how and hope to gain more as time goes on reading and watching this blog site and of course other magazines. SO IF YOU ARE OUT THERE ARE READING THIS AND YOU HAVE MORE KNOW HOW THAN I DO PLEASE SHARE!!!!! I still have a lot to learn. So you newbes dont quit. Thanks Robert, Tony P

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