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HO Layout Track Planning

Dick wants to build an HO layout and has a question for other HO enthusiasts:

“I am just starting to research things before buiding an HO layout. I am an experienced 64 yr old modeler, but have not done railroading in many years. I built highly detailed wooden ships from scratch for years. I’m in to detail. I want to do a train layout with similar detail. I’ve looked at track and some of the combination track (with roadbed) looks toy-like to me. Can someone please give me some specific advice about track ie. Manufacturer, 83/100, track alone or roadbed/track combination, type of roadbed. Thank you.”

2 Responses to HO Layout Track Planning

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Dick, Sounds like you need to do a lot of research to see what YOU THINK is more realistic to you and the real thing. Ho is a good choice. I agree the snap track and the like w/ roadbed attached is nice but…..I use all Atlas track. code 80 (personal choice) Very flexable and the choices are unlimited, and you can use cork road bed or woodland scenics road bed. If you want to go on line and check out “modeltrainstuff.com” they have a whole list of different HO track and road bed and track accessories. They also have good prices. Make sure you check out all their HO track and road bed, it is pretty extensive. This way you can compare and after go to your local hobby shop that really deals in model RR and actually look at the different track, ex: code 83, 100,
    55, 70. I think code 55 is the closest to the real thing but you have to make sure all of your locomotives will run properly on this code 55. All that being said if you are really into it, you can make you own road bed from almost any thing and even tweek the snap track and the like to look real. You sound like the modeler that will have the patience to do this. Get Roberts book and or subscribe to “Trains Magazine”. They always have articles in there magazines on this and of course other things.
    Most important become a kid again and have fun. Tony P

  • Dick Brown says:

    Thanks Tony. All good advice.

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