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Model Railroader Asks For Help

Zac is planning an HO layout and wants suggestions from readers.

Here is what Zac has to say about his planned Liberty Xpress HO Layout:

I’m in the essential planning phase of my HO layout. I have got 10’x7.5′ to work with. I am wanting to do a large mountain with 2 tunnels and a bridge on one side. I could go on and on with plans. I would be interested in getting feedback and ideas from your readers to help me plan my layout. Thanks Zac

2 Responses to Model Railroader Asks For Help

  • Anonymous says:

    A large mountain in the space you have will be a challenge; however, it can be done. I’ll be doing something similar in that it will be “half a mountain”. It will be about a 60% angle from the base of the mountain to the backdrop. I used a printed mountain picture on the backdrop to “continue” the mountain into the distance. Hope this helps. Rick

  • bill says:

    I have seen mountains like you want on sites on the internet. Most seem to biuld and then fill in after with styrofoam and crackfill[ this worked for me ] also with a big project like yours consider having the mountain in sections to allow easy acess. Good Luck.

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