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Internet Model Trains And Hobby Stores

The more you know about model trains, the less chance that you’ll be taken for a ride (excuse the pun!). Some shop assistants and train retailers just want to sell you something, and others may misunderstand your needs and sell you the wrong thing. However, in general hobby shop staff have a wealth knowledge and are happy to share their ideas.

The more research you do, the better you’ll get to know your model train scales, styles and which model train manufacturers you prefer. Toy stores sometimes carry train sets, but often they specialize for the lower end, or battery operated, model train set market.

Hobby stores are generally more specialized and cater more for the experienced model railroading enthusiasts. Hobby stores generally sell more challenging electrical model train sets and offer choices from more train manufacturers than do most toy stores.

Specialist model train hobby stores usually carry a full range of model train accessories, as well as railroading books, magazines, DVDs and train videos to help you get started. The other advantage is that model train hobby shops typically service what they sell. Although there are exceptions, model train hobby stores generally have shop staff who are knowledgeable about model trains.

Buying Trains And Train Accessories On The Internet

There are several well known Internet train sites offering extensive ranges of model trains and accessories. Well known Internet train sites include: http://www.internettrains.com/ www.internethobbies.com/ http://www.ncphobbies.com/ www.wholesaletrains.com/ Please note: by mentioning these sites we are not necessarily endorsing or recommending these Internet train retailers. They are just examples of Internet train retailers – and you will need to make your own decisions as to where you buy your train accessories.

The important point to note: when buying model trains and train accessories online you can also get some excellent deals. However, you do need know what you are looking for, because when buying on the Internet you can’t pick up the item and examine it. Depending on which Internet site you visit, you may not be able to get detailed information about individual products. So, do thorough research before buying any trains or accessories to avoid disappointment.

Research the specifications to ensure what you are buying meets your needs.

Before you purchase your model train set think carefully about where you’re going to display and built it. Select a space where your model train set won’t get damaged – and where you have room to enjoy the model train set – and work on – and operate the trains with ease. And, if possible, room enough to expand onto your model train layout. Yes, that’s something to consider – is it going to be permanent, or is the model train set going to put away after each use?

My Model Train Help Ebook includes a list of resources to help you avoid mistakes when buying trains and accessories.

One Response to Internet Model Trains And Hobby Stores

  • Max Addams says:

    You raise some important points. Being armed with information is a great starting point, and a great way to avoid costly mistakes. And Model Train Help is an excellent reference book. Cheers, Max!

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