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Monticello Railway Museum Swithing Puzzle

You may have already read our last posting about the Monticello Railway Museum. We’ll, Ron who is associated with the Museum, has very kindly sent the following posting which I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading. Here is what Ron has to say about the Monticello Railway Museum layout…

“The 33 ft. X 7 ft. layout was planned to acquaint museum visitors with steam operations during the 1930s/40s. We operate it during the museum season’s special events and it features scale Lionel TMCC steam locomotives, heavyweight passenger trains, scale freight cars, and an 072 minimum radius.

A USRA 0-8-0 yard goat sorts cars in the small yard after breaking up trains or making up trains for the larger road locomotives. Layout operations are accomplished from Lionel’s CAB-1 hand-held remote control units, enabling visitors to view the layout from trackside along its entire length.

I designed the track plan on computer for Lionel Fastrack sectional track. To date, the layout contains an Atlas O #6910 turntable, an Atlas passenger station w/platform, a Heljan 2-stall engine house that doubles as a car shop, a smaller car shop, an Atlas interlocking tower, two Fastrack operating grade crossings, a Lionel operating switch tower, an MTH operating water tower, an MTH water column near the turntable, and John Allen’s Timesaver switching puzzle that visitors are encouraged to try to solve. (Attached are directions for playing the puzzle.)

Still to come are a 6-stall roundhouse, 2 coaling elevators, a sanding facility, 2 more sidings not shown on the track plan, various industries along sidings, a hillside w/tunnel portals, scenery, and a backdrop.”

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