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Blog Now More User Friendly – Thanks For Your Feedback!

We recently ran a reader poll asking “Do you know how to add a comment (or answer) to a posting on this blog?

We were staggered with the results. Despite our techies insisting the method for posting comments was easy to use, a massive 63% of readers disagreed and said they didn’t know how to post a comment on the blog. Shock! Horror! We had no idea there was such a problem.

The New Easy Way To Post Comments

To fix things we now include two links directly UNDER EACH POSTING where readers can post a comment or ask other readers a question. The links appear under EVERY posting so they are easy to find. Obviously to keep the quality of posting high (and to avoid unwanted spam comments), all comment need to be reviewed and approved by the blog moderator. This is a quick process and most comments will be live within a few minutes or few hours.

So, there is no excuse for not having your say and getting involved in the discussions on this model train blog. It is now really easy to have your say and share your ideas.

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