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027 Gauge Track Power

Gregg has a question for experienced model railroaders and asks:

“I run a 027 gauge track about 6 feet by 6 feet. One the one corner I have my transformer hooked up. For some reason, at the opposite corner, my train slows down. This has been an issue for a few years now. One of my coworkers told me to make sure I take a pair of needle nose pliers and tighten the part where the two pieces of track connect. Frustrated in PA. Any thought and thanks in advance.”

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5 Responses to 027 Gauge Track Power

  • Gene Tencate says:

    Run two wires from the transformer to the far end of the track making sure they connec to th same rail. There is a loss of power because of the resistance of the track.

  • Kevin Ching says:

    Yes Gene is right each join in the track creates a resistance if you are relying on just the fish plates to connect the next piece of track. If your track is perminately laid you can solder the rail to the joiners at each join, this will give you continuity all the way round your track. Hovever saying that this method does not allow for expansion or contraction of the track due to changes in temperature of the room.

  • Joseph Thompson says:

    Start again run a power bus with connections to each rail.

  • Robert Perras says:

    I agree with Gene, the points of connection the better. Also clean track pins, tight connections between track sections will also help. While cleaning your track you also might want to clean the pick up rollers on your locomotives.

  • Robert Perras says:

    Opps, I agree with Gene, the MORE points of connection the better.

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