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OO Couplers NEM Socket

Eric has a question you might like to answer:

“Has anybody found a good way of fitting Kadee couplers to the usual dovetail NEM socket that Hornby, Bachman, etc use? The swallowtail box is easy (usually!) but the dovetail seems to require butchering the chassis.”

One Response to OO Couplers NEM Socket

  • John Garaty says:

    Hi Eric,
    You need any of #17 to #20 inclusive (#17 is the shortest coupling, #20 the longest.
    The same instruction sheets is used for all 4 is available at http://www.kadee.com/htmbord/instruc.htm
    They are designed to clip straight into the NEM pockets. They are made, so they shouldn’t be too hard to track down.

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