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4ft by 17ft Folded Figure 8 Layout

Ron sent in these photos of his layout to share:

My new layout is a 4ft by 17ft folded figure 8.  I have most of the scenery done on one side.  I have attached a few pictures of that side.  On one side is a mine on the upper track, an interchange yard a small businesses on the lower track.  The other side of the layout has a small yard serving a car float and local industries (no scenery yet.)

The Shamrock mine is a modified Walthers New River kit.  I removed 1 story, shortened it for 2 tracks, scratchbuilt a new open conveyor a over burden tower.

The small community is Cherry Creek.  The bridge is scratchbuilt and spans the lower mainline and a small interchange yard.  The building on the right side is a scratchbuilt combination depot, hotel, and gas station built from plans in the Narrow Guage Gazette.  On the left side is a scratchbuilt general store, Dalton’s Almost Anything (from the Red Green Show).

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