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Rust On Track

Chris would like help from experienced model railroaders:

“I am having problems with rust on the pickup (center) track on my Marklin layout. Is there any cure or help with this problem? Some track are still new, and is not in use. Any help, or suggestions will help. My trains are stranded.”

5 Responses to Rust On Track

  • Gerald Drewes says:

    Not sure how this would work on 3 rail; but we use automatic transmission oil on our modular railroad. I would clean the rails good–then put just a few drops lightly on several places around your layout. Let the trains distribute it.

    • Peter B says:

      I use ATF too, but I use a small foam pad to distribute it. That way I know all is coated. The pad does not need to be dripping in the stuff, most of the ATF should be squeezed out of the pad before applying it to the track. It needs to be sort of damp for want of better words.

  • Tim Gallant says:

    Try using a track eraser my sister order me two from eBay they come from Hong Kong takes about two weeks depending where you live. Some of my old HO track was really on the top rail this just made it brand new again. My HO track is pretty old. The erasers act like light sand paper. They last a long time.

  • Ray Breiding says:

    Try a room dehumidifier

  • Joe deBy says:

    Use a drop or two of Wahl oil available from any beauty shop wholesaler. It’s a conducting oil and I’ve used it for well over 30 years.

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