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Can You Safely Leave Trains On The Track?

Babs asks readers:

“Can I leave locos on the track after operating or should they be removed?  Mine is a newbie question probably.”



3 Responses to Can You Safely Leave Trains On The Track?

  • Maynard Ross Sr. says:

    As long as all power sources are turned off at the end of a operating session. Leaving locos on the track should be just fine. Keep in mind however, that trains should be “parked” in places where they won’t be knocked off on the floor if any kids or pets happen to gain access to the “train room” between sessions.

  • Frank Bushnell says:

    Maynard’s advice is good !

    The only type of loco that should be taken off the track is those with rubber traction tyres on the driving wheels. If the tyres are left compressed on the track, the rubber could deform, resulting in bumpy running. Just set them on a flat surface, so the loco’s weight is on the flanges.

    Another reason could be to keep rolling stock clean if the room is dusty.

  • kaspar says:

    If you can only use your layout during holidays or only certain weeks a month, like me, I have a big layout in a different country than the one I live in because of space, if this is the case then it is better to put them in a box as dust and cobwebs might become a big thing on the layout

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