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Loco Stalling on a Helix

James asks readers:

“I have an HO BLI cab forward 4882 and am having problems with it running forward down the helix I just finished. It will stall 6 – 8 times going down the helix, but backing up the helix runs all 94 ft with no stalling. Track and wheels are clean. Any ideas please?”

4 Responses to Loco Stalling on a Helix

  • David says:

    Stalling coming down the hill?
    This sounds more like the weight of the train pushing against the engine causing electrical feedback, or binding of the drive mechanisms causing the gears and bearings to “work backwards”. Model Railroader had articles about this sort of problem many years ago, and unfortunately my collection is still in storage so can’t give you the fix.

  • Frank says:

    First likely problem: what is the manufacturer’s stated minimum radius for this locomotive ?
    Multiple axle steam locos are particularly fussy creatures ! The long fixed wheelbase means there is a limit on how tight the curves can be. (The wheels tend to jam between the rails if the radius is too small.)

    Building on David’s comment, does this happens just with the loco alone, or with a train attached ?
    Does the same thing happen going both up and down with the loco going backwards or forwards, with or without a train attached (in front, or behind the loco) ?

  • Doc says:

    I have BL engines 2-10-4 & a 4-8-4 and both will stall if there is the smallest dip the the track. I just used a straight edge and shimmed the track accordingly.

    • Frank B says:

      Hi Doc, from your description, the most likely problem is that the wheels with the motor contacts are being raised above the rails when there is a dip.

      If you can add contacts to the other wheels (creating all-wheel pick-up), I am sure this problem will be solved.

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