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Spot The Difference

I’ve received so many requests for more “Spot the Difference” pictures, so will add some over coming weeks.

Here is the first in this new series. Can you spot the 7 differences? Add your answer using the comments link.

spot the difference

17 Responses to Spot The Difference

  • john says:

    spot the difference answers.
    1 loco road name change
    2 passenger carrying one less bag
    3 standing mans bag moved from left to right
    4 bell missing on loco
    5 two extra loco cab windows
    6 lady missing in motor cycle group
    7 head lamp missing from loco boiler front

  • Mike says:

    1) two men on right side of depot, one is missing a bag or has extra bag depending on how you look at it
    2) engine (upper one) is missing bell
    3) engine (upper one) missing ‘FE’ on coal car
    4) lower engine is missing headlight on front
    5) man with blue suit (work closes) and red bag on ground is turned opposite direction
    6) lower engine has extra 2 windows on cab
    7) people on bottom right – first woman is missing

  • Steve Hubbard says:

    4 cab windows verses 2
    Head light versus no headlight
    Bell versus no bell
    Different road names on tenders
    Man carry 2 bags versus man carry 1 bag
    Additionl lady in crowd
    Workmans image flipped

  • Stephan says:

    Top to bottom
    1. Mising bag on two men right.
    2. Missing bell on 4-4-0.
    3. Missing “FE” on side of 4-4-0 tender.
    4. Reversed man with red bag at feet on left.
    5. Headlamp missing on 4-10-2.
    6. 2 extra cab windows on 4-10-2.
    7. 1 woman missing in group on right.
    (8) Print lighter on lower copy- lower contrast

    • Moderator says:

      Stephan, Number 8 is your computer screen. Sometimes images change intensity from top to bottom.

      • Stephan says:

        Re: Computer screen. I work my photographs on the same screen with no such variance.

        Then it may be the hemispherics. LOL.

        Wonder if I got a Maori special for the graphics card. (-: <-emoji adjusted for hemispherics.

        PS, I enjoy all sorts of puzzles. Even some layouts.

        • Stephan says:

          If my head was not held on with some serious bolt-age, I would completelt forget my manners.

          To all, the best of the holidays!

          And the following Irish toast:
          May the worst you see next year be equal to the best you saw this year.

  • Stephan says:


    4. Reversed man with red bag at feet on RIGHT.

    Error due to change in hemispheres. 🙂

  • Peter says:

    Passenger has extra bag.Workmans tool box changed position. Windows added on 4-10-2.Bell on 4-4-0.Diferent Name on tener of 4-4-0.Woman missing.

  • Rick Scott says:

    Thanks for the return of the puzzle. This one much easier than the previous ones; I found the same 7 differences as all the others very quickly. Let’s have a harder one next time, please!

  • Don Jennings says:

    1. lady missing in motor cycle group
    2. loco road name change
    3. passenger carrying one less bag
    4. standing mans bag moved from left to right
    5. bell missing on loco
    6. two extra loco cab windows
    7. head lamp missing from loco boiler front

  • Bruce Webb says:

    1. bottom engine missing lower set of windows on cab.
    2. lady missing to the right of .com under lower engine.
    3. headlight missing on bottom engine.
    4. red bag on oppisite side of man above tender.
    5. bell missing on top engine.
    6. missing some letters on side of upper tender
    7. man on right of stations sidewalk has two bags

  • Richard says:

    1) Worker in Blue bag change from left to right
    2) Two guys near station- top 3-bags, bottom 4 bags
    3) Train in top 2 windows, bottom 4 windows
    4) Top picture 6 people on left, bottom 5 people-women missing
    5) Name change on Train
    6) Train in top picture has bell, none in bottom picture
    7) Train in top picture has head light, bottom no light

  • Tony Benedetto says:

    Comparing bottom picture to the top one
    1) people on bottom right – first woman is missing
    2) lowest engine is missing headlight on front
    3) lowest engine has 2 extra windows on cab
    4) man with blue suit and red bag on ground is turned opposite direction
    5) engine lower (upper one) is missing bell
    6) engine lower (upper one) missing ‘FE’ on coal car
    7) two men on right side of depot, one on left has a extra bag

  • Murray Moen says:

    I concurred with the 7 already found, plus added 37 people in one group and 38 in the other which accounts for the missing woman.

  • Joe says:

    windows in large steam locomotive
    missing “Fe” on tender of older locomotive
    workman’s bag on other side
    woman missing from second picture
    headlight missing on larger locomotive
    bell missing on older locomotive
    bag missing from a passenger

  • Tom Jones says:

    1. Bell missing on older loco in 2nd pic
    2. Front lamp missing on 4-10-2 2nd pic
    3.Green shirt guy facing different direction above tender
    4. Characters below 2nd loco on right are different
    5. Name on red tender is different
    6. Side window on 4-10-2 different
    7. Couple right side of station/man missing bag in right hand.

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