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Lionel Train Won’t Work

Daniel hasn’t provided much detail, but hopefully someone might havd some suggestions to help him. Perhaps he could add some more details to his post such as solution she has already tried etc.

He asks:

“My lionel sd-40 works on others peoples layout but not mine…any ideas?”

8 Responses to Lionel Train Won’t Work

  • David Tuttle says:

    Can’t tell without more info, with just thus much I would suspect a wiring issue, but cannot be certain.

  • John says:

    What power supply are you using on your layout?

  • Gerry says:


    You don’t say ‘How’ you’re trying to run your engine i.e. conventional, DCS, TMCC or what, as this makes a difference. Let’s assume you’re simply wanting to run conventional for this discussion. All I can suggest is to check your track has voltage, if not then you need to figure out why it doesn’t. All other future discussions will branch off from there..

    You also don’t say if you’re running two rail (DC) or three rail (AC)…

  • Charles Sealer says:

    Let’s start with what we know: Your Lionel SD-40 works on other layouts. It does not work on your layout. Do you have a volt meter to test track voltage of our layout? Can you have your friends bring their engine over to your track and see if it works? Can you ask them for help?

    Main question: Does your track have voltage?
    Is it clean and free of obstructions?
    Are you using DC or DCC?

  • N. Glenn says:

    Statement: Your loco works, just not on YOUR site, therefore, your site is broken. You need a multimeter to determine if you’re getting voltage to your tracks. If not, check your power source for output. If none, check your input….wiring, fuses (if any), plug-in, and if your outlet is ‘live’! This is basic. If you still have problems, deeper investigation is required.

  • Anthony Germagliotti says:

    Hi Daniel
    I have been repairing lionel trains for over 20 years what do you mean that the engine doesnot work does the engine run or is it just sitting on the track with the lights on does your engine have command control or is it conventional maybe it could be your transformer ,does any other engines run on your layout I need more info to you get back on track.

  • Anthony Germagliotti says:

    HI Daniel,
    One more thing you can try is to make a small loop of track connect up your transformer an see if it runs if it does you have track problems on your layout also do you have lionel tubular track or fast track if it is fast track check to see if their is a bad connection you could also power up your layout and take a bulb with a socket and touch one lead to the center rail and the other to the outside rail if it lights do the the same thing around at different parts of your to make sure you have power around your the whole layout if you do your engine should run if not send me more info and I will try to help you.

  • Ken Doll says:

    Is you transformer putting out ac voltage or dc voltage the problem seems to be power supply make shure you have voltage at track all around layout check for shorts and on transformer/ controller check that’s hooked properly ac to track is varrible ac to assesorys is constant check for voltage at all connections Ken

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