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Converting a Triang R159A/R250A Victorian Railways (Australia) B Class Loco to DCC

Ian who model in HO sent in this question:

“I have a Victorian Railways (Australia) B Class double ended Bulldog Cabins – GM/EMD F3A – that I want to convert to DCC. The bogies are all metal bogies, so consequently when the loco is placed on the tracks it automatically shorts. I’m led to believe that it is possible to DCC this locomotive. Can any of your readers confirm this for me please? Also what is the best way to achieve the end result? Thanks in advance.

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3 Responses to Converting a Triang R159A/R250A Victorian Railways (Australia) B Class Loco to DCC

  • Robert says:

    Have you had it apart? It shouldn’t short if just placed on the track. Check that the spring clip holding the motor brushes in place has its insulating sleeve and on the same side as the wire joining to it. Also check that the pickups aren’t touching the frame. I am sure that these locos have plastic axles so it shouldn’t be a wheel problem. Don’t know about DCC though but it should be possible if you sort out the shorting problem.

  • Robert says:

    By using this service sheet you should be able to trace where faults can occur. http://www.hornbyguide.com/service_sheet_details.asp?sheetid=167

  • Ian Bell says:

    Thanks for the comments. Just to make things clearer, the non-motor bogie is plastic, and the motor bogie is ALL metal. I have attached a photo of the motor bogie.

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