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Where to get info on how to wire on DC

Armando is starting off in HO scale and asks:

“I’m a beginner and need help to connect three tracks, but will like to run them in different directions with out having short circuits. I’m setting up with Bachmann Ez track. Any advice would be great.”

4 Responses to Where to get info on how to wire on DC

  • Randall Styx says:

    This is for DC, not DCC. I’m also assuming you have one power source (power pack).

    Part A – preventing short circuits: Each track section must be separate from the others, either by being a totally separate loop/line or by having insulated rail joiners where they connect to other sections. Bachmann EZ track might have something for this. Otherwise, remove the electrical contacts at the ends of the adjoining tracks or put something like electrical tape over them so they don’t make contact.

    Part B – independent directional control. You’ll need three DPDT switches. Wire them as shown in the diagram. Once installed, these switches control the direction, not the one on the power pack (which will still work, but it will reverse all three track sections at the same time). When driving from one track section to another, make sure the direction controls agree.

    • Sheldon Clark says:

      Insulating rail joiners are available from at least one manufacturer of track. It’s probably not a good idea to try to run trains on separate tracks using one single-outlet controller. One controlled outlet per train is the general rule. This could take the form of three individual controllers, each with a single controlled outlet, or a single and a double, or even a 4-controlled output controller; I’m not aware of any controllers with 3 outlets, but they may exist.

  • Don Jennings says:

    Try a local book store like BARNES AND NOBEL. Or better yet a model railroad store in your home town area or on line

  • Geoff Stagg says:

    and if you want to run three trains at once on the separate tracks, you will need three controllers.

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