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N Gauge DCC Problem

This question is a bit vague so I suspect readers will need to guess at an answer.

Keith asks:

“My Question is about the train stopping at the station and moving on. By using DCC can you help me here to fix the problems. “

Perhaps Keith could use the comments link below to expand on his question to help readers provide the best possible answer.

One Response to N Gauge DCC Problem

  • Anonymous says:

    I suspect what you are trying to achieve is stopping at a station and then moving on after a period of time. This can be achieved a couple of ways.

    Using a decoder with Brake on DC feature where you create a section of track that has the ability to have DC power supplied – rails must be gapped to ensure no possible way that DCC and DC rails can touch. Then when a DCC enabled loco with this feature enters a DC block the train will slow to a stop – ie Brake on DC. Once the DC power is removed and DCC signal returned to the rails then train will move off.

    The alternate is to use block occupancy detectors and some of the commercial electronics available from various suppliers. Use google to research some solution here as there are many.

    I hope this helps,
    Simon, Melbourne Australia

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