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Peco Point Motor Problems

Stephen is hoping for some help from those who know about switches, wiring and all the technical stuff:

“Having carefully installed some 14 point motors 6 Peco PL11’s and 8 Peco PL10’s all of the later, bar one surface mounted, the moment of truth was to switch them electrically. Regrettably most will only throw one way and some not either way. The assembly of all in exactly as the manufacturers instructions and I am using a 16volt AC supply. All motors when activated are very noisy. What have I done wrong?

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One Response to Peco Point Motor Problems

  • Geof says:


    Not knowing much about Peco switch (or point) motors (or machines as they are called here in the US), I’m wondering if you used a common power feed to supply electricity to the motors? If you did, can you determine if you switched the wiring accidentally so that some machines receive the ‘negative’ power on some terminals and ‘positive’ power on the same terminals on different machines? This could essentially could cause a short circuit because of the wiring/power mismatch between the machines even if you aren’t activating it.

    You might want to disconnect ALL the switch machines (ya, I know, that stinks) and reconnect one at a time and test it’s operation as you move down the line reconnecting each one. Get each one working correctly before moving on to the next and then check them all together as each ‘new’ one is added. That way you’ll know which is the trouble maker before you move on.

    Hope this helps,

    Geof in the US

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