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Brass Model Trains Still in Demand? True? False?

brass locomotiveThere’s no doubt the demand for brass engines and rolling stock has declined over the years mainly due to price and the growing variety of highly detailed plastic models available these days. That’s not to say there isn’t a market for older “high quality” brass pieces.

You can cast your vote in our poll on where you think the brass market is at right now.

If you would like to share your thoughts on what you personally prefer, and whether you think there would still be a demand for some specialized brass rolling stock, MOW equipment, or collectible engines… then add your thoughts in the conversation below this post.

11 Responses to Brass Model Trains Still in Demand? True? False?

  • Steve N. says:

    I would like to have brass trains but given the prices haven’t gotten any , But I do have several Brass engines that I made from Laser cut Brass kits that use a Kato drive running on N scale track . ( Kits purchased from ebay seller in the UK )

  • Christopher Nagy says:

    Brass trains are a timeless treasure. Always important to keep these great trains in circulation.

  • Morgan Bilbo says:

    Brass locos are mostly unique. Made for a specific proto. Hence, will always be in demand.

  • Frank B says:

    Some plastics tend to eventually age and disintegrate, I don’t know if this applies to all of the plastics models are made from. But brass models will probably last until Judgement Day (at least) .

    Brass models are “high end”, usually more detailed and more expensive, and I think most modellers will buy them if they get the chance (and have the money). I like them a lot.

    ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁


    • phil johnson says:

      At one time, the only way of getting a rare locomotive/car was brass. However in the past 30-35 years plastic cars/engines have equaled and/or surpassed most/all brass. With steam maybe the only exception. Yes, I do own brass. But will probably not buy any more. For collectors, I guess there is a calling

  • Darryl Zufelt says:

    No not in demand! Cant afford them, plus they are not realistic

    • Patrick Mahoney says:

      You can’t be serious!! Not realistic? Some of the most detailed, realistic models are created in brass. Sorry, but you are just wrong.

  • Matt Jackson says:

    I model in O scale, and that market is a bit different as there are still brass collectors in this scale. I haven’t seen a lot of new releases, but there have been some recent releases from Key Models and there are some pending projects from other importers, but not in great numbers. Plastic models have improved detail by leaps and bounds (and the prices have gone up accordingly). The up side of Plastic models is the high production numbers and the availability of subsequent releases in different road names and/or numbers. Steam locomotives seem to be the area where brass is still doing well since developing tooling to produce die cast locomotives is very expensive and requires high volume production to be viable. Brass runs of 100 units or less seems to be the better option.

  • john gould says:

    altho not a really a railroad model, whilst serving in the RN ,I was invited to the Trieste ,Italy, yacht club ,and and met a guy who built a model, in brass, of an Italian warship in which he served. this was put together plate by plate and was correct in all detail. The model in an obvious glass case was of a battle class cruiser and was about 24 inches long. But to cut to the chase, brass models have a place, and some of the far eastern models deservedly have a high place with some collectors. I do not own one and have seen some which I would not fight for in an auction, but horses for courses ,as demon stration pieces in cases they show in most cases hand made high class modeling

  • David Stokes says:

    I model H0 South Australian outline. This is a growing interest among modellers in my state. For many years building your own was the only way, and so bras and soldering iron were necessary evils. Today, following Lima in the 1960’s, and now Oztrains, Orient Express and others manufacturing both locomotives and rolling stock we are better served and brass is now the domain of the collector rather than the general model railway enthusiast. It has always been expensive and for the “elite” modeller, and will continue to be.

  • Andre du Toit says:

    For my money brass models rule the roost. However, when comparing them to motorcars, brass models are like Konigseggs, McLarens and Veyrons – unfortunately destined only for those with deep pockets. Many years ago I had my eye on a forward cab Mallet made by Rivarossi but it would have taken a year’s salary to buy it. So, as said by others, I agree that PRICE is the main drawback for the demand to increase, definitely not a lack of realism and detailing. I would prefer painting and weathering a bare brass model and leave the brass and copper tubing in their natural state rather than trying to cut away the tubing moulded into a plastic model and then replacing it with real copper or brass. The chances for messing up the model are too great. So, yes, brass models are for me. If only I had the boodle!!

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