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Solder Rail Joiners – Solder Electrical Connections

Gerry has an HO layout and has a question for readers about soldering rail joiners:

“I know I should solder all other electrical connections, but should I also solder rail joiners to track sections?”

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One Response to Solder Rail Joiners – Solder Electrical Connections

  • Geof says:


    I have seen the “soldering rail joiners” issue (any scale) addressed a number of times on this blog and I think it would be a mistake. Not to mention the effort required to solder every single joint and running the risk of melting your ties, you also run the risk of having the rails distort due to temperature changes. I suppose the upside is that you’ll become a pretty darn good solderer once you’re through.

    I am not really convinced that you gain anything by soldering if you just ensure that your rail joiners fit snuggly on the rail ends to begin with. If you have a loose one, either replace it or give it a slight crimp with a pair of pliers to get a tighter fit.

    If you feel you MUST have the track electrically pristine throughout, I would suggest using a product called “Wire Glue” from Anders Products. This material is a thick, black paste that you apply to ANY surfaces that can be electrically connected. It takes a few hours to dry (letting it sit overnight is best) but you end up with a fairly secure electrical connection that is almost as durable as a soldered joint. You can paint it any color you like once it dries but since it is already black, it blends into the rail/roadbed environment without being too obvious it is there. You can order it directly from the manufacturer at:


    or you can bid for a jar on eBay.

    Hope this helps,


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