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HO Garden Railroad?

Peter asks readers:

“Is there any real reason I can’t use HO stuff on an outside layout, if I use brass, stainless or german silver track? I ask because there is a huge variety of HO stuff and its much cheaper than O or G scale.”

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2 Responses to HO Garden Railroad?

  • Geof says:


    I think the only risk you run with an HO scale railroad outside is that some parts of the track may not be ‘rust proof’ such as rivets or track staples.

    Also, the smaller size and lower weight of HO compared to the other ‘standard’ outside scales could be problematic. Slight deviations in how the track is laid on irregular surfaces could be magnified when using HO (not to mention the effects of a stray dog passing through).

    One other thing to consider is that the other parts of model railroading (structures, scenery, wiring, etc.) aren’t usually designed for outside use so rain, UV rays and the like could cause havoc on these items over time.

    These are just my thoughts and opinions but I hope they help.


  • Finn says:

    Bryan Purchell has written a booklet on the issue, “Building a 00 gauge Garden Railway from the Railway Modeller ‘shows you how’ series. This little booklet can be purchased from any modell railway shop in UK for the price of 20p. It shows and explains in details and there are photoes and a track plan. I came across this booklet in my search for info on the subject. Hope this will be at any help.


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