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Computers And Trains

Mike has a question for readers:

“I have an old computer and I want to use it to run my layout? Where do you find info on this? I need to know how involved it is, is it worth the hassle? What is the price – will it cost a fortune? I am not good with computers, there has to be some hard wiring involved, and where can you find the software?”

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One Response to Computers And Trains

  • Anonymous says:

    You can use any computer (Pentium 3 XP or better) I use JMRI panel pro/decoder pro; down load (FREE SOFTWARE) the lasted version and use in conjuction with locobuffer USB by RR cirkits to interface your DCC equipment with the computer.With this sofware you can design your own control panels control switches,block detection and signals with the right DCC hardware (I recomend Digitrax,s)cause when you call a live person will answer the phone The JMRI program dificuly level is 1-10 is a 5 but the younger you are the less dificult Enjoy Alan C Lompoc CA

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