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Newbie Needs Help

Taf is new to the hobby and asks you for help:

“I have just started to build my first model rail track, but I am short on space. I have a 6×4 space to play with. I would like to have 4 trains running continiously with one long track. The only way I can see it being done is on a two tier system. Can anyone think of a way to go about achieving this? I would also like to have sidings for several carriages, and hopefully a station. Is that possible. Can anyone think of, or come up with, a plan so that it would look authentic? Any help with this would be great.”

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2 Responses to Newbie Needs Help

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Taf, first go to comments on this site for Nov.21,2009 1880s wood burning and read comments there. that should help you with the space. you really dont have a lot of space to work with for what you want to do but if you can incorporate a “HELIX” in your layout which does take up a lot of space you will be able to go up any amount of levels you need to. you could run a line and a return line to a different section of the area away from the 4×6 layout to the helix and go up or down from there. To even come close to what you want to do I would definetly go with N scale or even Z. But N has more to work with. Get yourself an Atlas N scale Layout book and check out there multi level Layouts. one is a 4×8 and I think with that one you will accomplish “everything” you want to do and more. It is the “N-11018” its name is the Gulf Summit Susquehanna lines. I have that one and it is amazing and will keep you busy for a while and you can add to it later on as I did when more space becomes available, and it will. Let us know what you did. Tony P

  • Tony P says:

    one more thing Just to be a little more accurate, the N11018 layout measures 48″ X 74 1/4″ exactly. So this might really suit your needs, go to atlas on line and check it out under n scale layouts code 80 and click on that layout. So 6′ = 72″ you shoud be able to cut 2 1/4′ or add if necessary.

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