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Model Trains

How to Run Two Locos in Different Directions

Peter posted this:

“I am new to this hobby. I just started working my HO layout. I have three main lines. I would like to know how to run one of the three locos in another direction. I have a Digitrax dcs52 command station. Thanks in advance for any help.”

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Layout Photos Shared For Christmas

The Online Model Train Club wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe New year http://www.modeltrainclub.org

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Train Club Near Minneapolis

It is great to get new people involved in the hobby. John posted this question:

“I am new to the hobby. What I would like is a club that meets somewhere near Minneapolis where I live and has layouts to work on and show off. Is there such a clubhouse near Minneapolis?”

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5 FREE TOOLS To Share With Friends In The Model Railroading Community

Test out the helix calculator, scale calculator, train speed calculator, scale to scale conversion calculator, track gradient calculator. These 5 tools are available free of charge with the compliments of ModelBuildings.ORG

These 5 free tools are available with the compliments of https://www.modelbuildings.org You’ll find them by following the ‘Railroad Resources’ link at the top of the website.

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Non-Specific Locomotive Bodies

Barry asks:

“A question from Victoria in Australia. I am returning to the hobby after far too many years and have started to acquire some HO locos and rolling stock before I get started on a layout. I have an SD40 loco all decked out in the BHPBilliton livery so am wondering if there are any non-specific bodies available for this model? BHPBilliton was the company that ran ore trains in Western Australia so not really appropriate for my planned Victorian-based layout. Appreciate any suggestions.”

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Locomotive Runs then Stops Dead

Phillip has O scale and wants advice:

“I’m new to model railroading and starting with basics. Fasttrack, CW-80, and a Lionel 8042 were all sold as working properly. Loco and coal car only makes about 5 trips around (40″ x 60″ oval) then stops. When I add a car, it runs a trip then start to slow. Add another car and it hums but won’t budge. I feel like I am not getting enough voltage. How do I test that?”

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Curve Radius For Pacific 4-6-2 Engine

Bruce writes:

“I just got given a nice Pacific 4-6-2 engine HO scale. Q: what curve radius should this engine be able to negotiate? Q: How would this compare to a Spectrum 2-6-6-2 USRA engine which a mate has? Thoughts please.”

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Replacement Motorized Chassis for PA1

Charles is into N scale and asks:

“I’ve been trying to obtain the subject matter for my Con-Cor/Kato Santa Fe PA1. I’ve searched the Web and can’t find what I need.”

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Smoking Locomotive

Donald models HO and asks:

“I have a Bachman HO 2-6-2 locomotive that smokes. Q: Is there any way you can clean the smoking unit if it becomes clogged with dried burnt oil inside the smoke stack?”

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Stalling Locomotives

Russ has this question you might want to comment on:

I have a 10’x20’ HO layout and I use an NCE doc system. I usually run two trains each with two locomotives running in a consist. With both trains running at the same time they run flawlessly but if I should stop one of them the other one will stall briefly (and frequently) and start up again. As soon as the stopped train is put into motion the stalling stops.  Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon and if so any ideas to correct the situation?”

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N-Scale DoodleBug With Lights But No Drive Power

Paul writes:

“I picked up a supposedly never used N-scale DoodleBug the DCC version. After just a short time on the track, it abruptly stopped. The lights are working but there is no drive power. I am unsure what to check for. Any suggestions would be great thanks.”

Please add any suggestions below if you can assist Paul.

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Locomotive Pulling Power Formula

3 locomotives ho scaleOrjan is hoping someone can assist:

“A friend mentioned a formula I could use to calculate the pulling power of my OO trains, but he couldn’t remember the exact details of how it worked. He said it based on weights, number of cars, gradient percentage and some other factors he couldn’t recall. Does anyone out there know the details and how to use it? I would just like to know. Thank you.”

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Derailing Around Curves

Winston models N-scale and asks:

“I just purchased a new GEN 4 Evo. I love the look and sound. However, has anyone had a problem with them derailing? It only derails on 11″ radius curves. (I don’t have a 9 3/4″ on my layout). It always jumps off a quarter of the way through the curve. Yes, the track is level and soldered. I even added some superelevation. That made no difference. My GEN 4 Evo still derails.”

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Bachmann 0-6-0 Noise Problems

Ross writes:

“I acquired (for free) an old Bachmann 0-6-0 loco which makes quite a clatter from the side rods when running. I’m not sure if they are supposed to make so much noise? Does anyone else have the same engine and does it make a lot of noise?”

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Trains Will Not Run

Mike posted this question to others in the hobby:

I have two o-scale trains on separate tracks with separate power sources (transformers).  The systems worked well for about a year or two, but now the trains will not move even with full power.  I can hear them trying to start, but no movement.  Any suggestions on how to get them to run please?”

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FREE Scale Converter Sizing Tool For Converting Real and Scale Model Sizes

The online calculator is totally free to use and is perfect for converting from model railroad scales to the full real-world size of structures and trains.

Access the free scale model conversion calculator from the Railroad Resources link in the top Navigation Bar at https://www.modelbuildings.org

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Is Rail Pro Worth Considering?

Klaas writes:

“My kids tell me to do what I have been dreaming of for a long time, building a HO model modular railroad. My kids surprised me with a gift of a locomotive. I want to build in modules so I can move the layout out of the house if needed. I have read a lot about Rail Pro by Ring Engineering, and it looks like something I might like to use as on their website information it claims you can also run DCC on their system. What is your opinion, what are the Con’s and Pro’s of both Rail Pro and a DCC system? Do people prefer other systems?”

Add your comments (suggestions/opinions) below.

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Replacing Plastic Wheels and Plastic Couplers

Bendt seeks your help:

“Hi, I got a cheap job lot of old wagons, tank cars etc at a garage sale. The problem is being attached to the trucks they mostly have snap-in plastic wheels and plastic horn couplers. I tried converting one car but it was very fiddly. Am I wasting my time trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear? Should I just start over with new cars? Thoughts appreciated.”

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