Model Trains
Everything on model trains, model railroads, model railways, locomotives, model train layouts, scenery, wiring, DCC and more. Enjoy the world's best hobby... model railroading!
Antonio has a question on HO train couplers:
“What is the best and easiest way to transform American style locos with kaddee style couplings into european style rolling stock with standard (european) couplings and buffer beams?”
Comment below.
Ric is new to the hobby and would like some guidance from experienced readers please:
“I just starting model railroading and did a layout. Two curved tracked before the switch and at the switch the train derails. I have checked for level and it was a little off, fixed that and that didn’t help. I switch curved track and that didn’t help. I’m lost and that doesn’t take much.”
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John wants advice from readers to help solve the problem he is having with his Broadway Blueline locomotive:
“I have a Broadway Blueline engine running on DC with a DC master for sound, the engine stopped chuffing soon after I got it. I told Broadway and they sent me a new chip, however before the chip arrived it started chuffing again, so I left the old chip in. It keeps doing this on and off. One day it works the next it doesn’t. I don’t want to muck around with the chip unless I really have to. Do you think this is the problem?”
Background info: BlueLine Locomotives come DC Sound Equipped and DCC Ready. Sound effects in the DC mode can be operated by the PCM DCMaster Analog Control Module. For DCC operation, a simple 2 function decoder must be added. Adding any two-function decoder will give access to the DitchLites or Beacon funtions, all sound functions and programming so the locomotive will operate like any Sound Decoder-Equipped engine.
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Ken has put a lot of thought into his questions so hopefully someone will be be prepared to give him some good answers. Good questions usually attract the best answers.
“I have a couple of old HO locomotives brought back to the living from boxes in the basement. They are both Athearn. One is a GE U33B, and the other is an EMD GP35. They were purchased in the 1970s.
I built a new layout using some old type 100 track and turnouts, along with some new.
Both of the old locos run on my track better than a new Athearn GP38-2 I just bought. The GP38-2 derails all over the track, and I can’t figure out why, since I don’t have the problem with the old locos.
As best I can measure, the flanges on the old units seem to be larger than the new unit. Can anyone confirm that?
Can I change out the wheels on the GP38-2? If so, to what?
I also have several Bachmann passenger cars that appear to replicate the wood clad cars from the 1930s give or take a decade or two. I would like to re-truck these cars and upgrade the couplers from horn hook. Can anyone suggest trucks, wheels and couplers? Would 36″ wheels help my derail problem with these cars?
I also have several boxcars, probably mostly Tyco, that I would like to re-truck and upgrade couplers. Can anyone suggest trucks, wheels and couplers?
At this point, I am more interested in function than realism, and not necessarily looking for the cheapest way to solve these problems.
Thanks for any help”
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David has two questions to challenge readers:
1) I have two very nice Kato locos, (HO Gauge) which run very smoothly on my 00 gauge model, unfortunately they refuse to take some of the 20 + inch curves on my layout. I have heard that it is possible to increase the boggie size? Can anybody give any info re this problem?
2) Has anybody got any instructions for fitting the gantry to a Heljan turntable? It was found not to have any instructions for this operation after it was purchased. Thanks for any help.
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News from Model Railroad Clubs.
A depot of trains comes to Manassas |
Model train enthusiasts with the Prince William County Model Railroad Club, the National Capital Trackers, the Piedmont Railroaders, Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area LEGO Train Club and other area groups set up displays during the …
Publish Date: 06/07/2010 9:43
San Diego’s historic places: Model Railroad Museum, Balboa Park
Currently the San Diego Model Railroad Club is working on a diorama that will recreate in miniature downtown San Diego as it appeared in the 1950s. Club members are working from photographs in the San Diego Historical Society’s archives …
Publish Date: 06/09/2010 4:40
Model Railroad – how to become a non profit model railroad club …
I have been on the NMRA website and I have looked for a branch to Carmel, Indiana but couldn’t find any branch. So i decide that i would start my own model.
Publish Date: 06/15/2010 4:16
Pete has a question for reader:
“I have just bought a Fourney 2-4-4 Bachman and it derails any following cars by excessive tailswing on curves. Is there a solution?”
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Jo asks readers:
“I drive a show train on a siding, unhook the cars and drive the engine onto the turn table and then into the roundhouse. Then I an reverse the procedure, but the problem is I want to do this with 5 trains. Is it going to be possible? How do I set up the track to run them all on one track afterwards, one behind the other, all being show trains. I have 3 other working trains.”
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Peter asks a question that has been asked before (use search box):
“Is there any reason I can’t make an HO layout outside? I know I have to use aluminum or stainless track. My house is too small and I’ve got lots of stuff to use. I know I have to keep the locomotives inside. HO stuff has much more variety and is very much cheaper…hence my question.”
To answer this question use the comments link below.
John has an HO layout and sent in this question for readers:
“I have recently purchased a steam locomotive – a Hornby R2581 BR 4-6-0 king arthur class N15 ‘sir gwain’. This loco was purchased from a reputable dealer, but due to time restraints I was unable to see it test run. The unit is brand new and unused. Upon running the loco (without rolling stock) on an existing track, the loco front bogie continually derails when pasing over ‘points’. I have several diesel engine models and have not had the problem before. Is the trouble located with my track, or with the locomotive? Any constructive comments would be deeply appreciated.”
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Martin is new to model railroading and would like to hear any opinions others have about brand preferences and brand mixing and asks:
“I am new to ho model railroading. I have seen many brands of trains and supplies for sale. These include Atlas, Bachman, Athearn, Walters, and others. Are some of these brands much better than others? Does the locomotive, DCC control unit, and power pack have to be the same brand?”
Add your opinions below.
Subhash from India has amazing talents and makes his own trains from odds and ends he can get his hands on for little or no cost. He is incredibly resourceful and builds everything on his railroad from scratch. He would like to hear some feedback from others in the hobby, along with any suggestions to help him create other things for his layout out of everyday items.
Subhash said:
Toy Train is the nickname for the locomotives run on Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) due to its toy like appearance.The oldest running steam locomotive is 110. Due to deterioration, most of the locomotives now run on Diesel, but some are still powered by steam. This train is currently registered for a World Heritage Site. I have made a new model of DHR train and have added to my collection. It’s a still model in TT scale.
Please add you feedback and encouragement. This guy is incredibly talented and resourceful!
Steve from the UK has a question about finescale (for those in other parts of the world there is an extract from Wikipedia below). Steve asks:
“I am helping make a layout that is finescale, now I cannot see the differance between standard oo and finescale. However, none of my stock will run on it as the wheels are catching the chairs and they lift up at the points. what canI do?”
Paul has a question for anyone with experience of LGB’s MTS systems:
“Where can I get the specific details about LGB’s MTS system so that I can compare it to DCC?”
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Paul is working on building an O gauge layout and would like to hear from anyone else with experience in that area. Paul asks two questions:
1. I'm getting ready to set up a new O gauge model train layout. It will be app. 26' x 10' with two tiers. Total of 520 sq. ft. The last time I had a layout was back in 1990. I have lots of new Lionel stuff from that period plus older stuff. I have tons of Lionel O gauge track and switches. Is there another company that makes compatible track with that older Lionel track? I'm more concerned with the height of the track than anything else.
2. I plan to set up a second tier app. 3 feet above the base level to set up a large freight yard and industrial complex. I want to run track around the perimeter of the lower track moving up gradually until I get to the second tier. What is the maximum grade I can use to move a large loco with about 15 box cars? Don't forget, most all of my loco's are new Lionel of that 1990 era. Most of the more expensive ones.
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Anton wants advice from readers for buying a steam loco with sound and asks:
“I have a 9′ x 5′ layout with 3 parallel elevated lines (ANALOG). At present I possess an Engine (SD40) running nicely with sound on this Analog layout. I am interested in buying a Steam locomotive with sound. Can anyone advise me what is the suitable Steam Locomotive (with sound) that can run on my Analog layout?”
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Louis asks for information from readers:
What time frame applies to this train?
Where was the train used?
How can I find out about this train and its reputation?
If you can answer those brief questions please use the comments link below.
Richards wants to hear opinions from readers on buying Lionel 4-8-4 Daylight locos and asks:
"What do people think of Lionel 4-8-4 Daylight locos? I just bought one for $36.00 dollars on Ebay. It is supposed to be in good working order. I had read that Bachmann had some trouble with this loco so I am avoiding them. Did I make a good buy or am I wasting my time and money?"
I am sure readers will have varied opinions on different brands. Have your say. Use the comments link below.