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PDF plans for series #1 and series #2 are now available for download at
Allan posted:
“I’ve decided on N scale for my new layout which has the potential to be 2ft-3ft deep in places in my 8ft x 10ft space. I also decided to model the late ’90s to the present day, but haven’t yet decided on an industry (industries) to incorporate. I had thought of logging & lumber, but there are probably better options these days. Ideas are definitely appreciated! Thanks in advance!”
You can contribute your suggestions below.
Gerrie writes:
“I don’t want to sound like a scrooge, but the price of model paints seem expensive ranging from $4, $5, $6 for tiny bottles/cans up to $12 or more for spray rattle cans. I want to repaint an old 4-6-0 I picked up on eBay so presume enamel would be best? Scenery/structures I am thinking acrylic? Spray, can, bottle… not sure which way to go? It seems like I could end up buying dozens of different paints. Is there any easy cheaper way? What do other people have?”
Have your say below… and, see what others say too.
Now available not 1 but 2 new series of background shops available to download and make for OO, HO, or N scale layouts. Watch this quick tutorial that demonstrates how easy it is to make the jewelry store and travel agency from series #1. CLICK THE VIDEO BELOW TO WATCH THE DEMO.
PDF plans are now available for download at
Plans are now available for download at
Download, print, and construct these plans to OO, HO, or N scale.
Anthony posted this question:
“The edge of my 4ftx8ft layout is untidy so I’ve decided to add a facia of some kind to smarten it up. What material would you recommend I use without breaking the bank?”
Send in your question for publication (use the ASK A QUESTION link below), or add an answer/suggestion (use the COMMENTS link below).
Lester has this question:
“I decided to build a retaining wall on a longish section of my layout and want to use the right adhesive. I imagine it will need some clamping to the wood while it dries in place, but I am concerned that contact cement might grip too quickly and not allow enough time for me to adjust and check the positioning. By the way, I thought foamboard might be the best and cheapest material to use for making the wall. I would be interested to hear any ideas. Thanks.”
Plans now available at
Download, print, and build these plans to OO, HO, or N scale. Plans can be purchased separately, or grab one of 4 discount packs currently available. Pack D is the best buy and includes all 15 buildings.
In these two photos, John shows some of the first builds of the downloadable plans for his HO switching layout. Pictured left to right is the Distributors Co-Op background building (plan 541), Rail & Road Transport Forwarders (plan 542); the bottom photo shows the Freight & Storage Transport Warehouse (plan 495), and the 3 door warehouse (plan 540). John has done a great job on these first buildings. The plans can be downloaded here
More photos kindly supplied by John Reitz. Says John “These buildings are the first build of your products for my HO switching layout. And I am very pleased with how they look. Much more detail needs to be added for interest. I really like the weathered look the structures have. Saves time and money for painting.”
John has cleverly added his own personal touches to some of these buildings such as leaving a couple of roller doors open and adding the numbers above them on plan 494. I’m sure you’ll agree that John has done a great job and has made a good start on his switching layout. Well done John!
More photos below.
These plans can be downloaded at
John Reitz kindly sent in this photo of some Rail Freight industrial buildings he adapted for his N Scale Inglenook Shunting Layout. Says John, “The white buildings were printed out to make a four-sided structure to go along with the regular construction plan. I wanted to have a bigger industrial footprint. Very enjoyable building these.”
The white buildings John refers to are made from plan 546 available at The plan comprises several buildings that can be arranged in various configurations (see video below) to suit individual layout designs. John cleverly printed out some extra texture to convert the tall white building (right of center in the photo) from a backdrop low relief structure to a four-sided model.
Phil models HO and writes:
“My main interest is in the technical aspect of the hobby and I built my own control panel. The problem, a perceived problem, is my layout still doesn’t have ballast let alone a tree. I know I should make a start on the scenery, but it really doesn’t interest me. I’m almost too embarrassed to let non-railway people see my layout because their eyes gloss over when I start talking about Arduino, switching, and tech stuff. Their first question is always along the lines of, when are you going to add some trees and animals? I know it’s my layout, but I feel I should make the effort. Can someone reassure me I am not the only total geek in the hobby?”
6 scale model background models houses have just been added to the growing range of around 300 downloadable plans at The left and right houses on the plans can be joined to other houses in the series in a total of 36 different combinations. So, if you just want gray brickwork houses, it is easy to join the two matching gray houses together to form one semi-detached building. That way you can make your backdrop scene using the combinations you want.
More details including scale sizes etc at
Paul asks:
“What do people use for logs in building a log cabin HO scale?”
Add your thoughts below.
Jim Brown kindly sent in this informative article and photos to share and would like some feedback from others.
Jim made this general store building from a plan he downloaded at
“I downloaded your the small general store plan from your website and was very impressed with the results. I wanted to share a modification I made to the model that turned out better than I expected.
I like to have my models lit, so before I glued down the paper I decided to mark the inside corners of the windows on the cardboard with a straight pin, remove the paper and cut out the opening, and then glue on the paper.
To elaborate, what I did was cut out the cardboard and the picture separately. Then I put the picture over the cardboard and marked each inside corner of the windows with a straight pin. I wanted the holes to be as inconspicuous as possible on the paper copy. It is important that you mark the inside corners of the windows to get the right effect. Next, I removed the paper and connected the window dots that were made by the straight pin and cut out the openings in the cardboard. After all the openings were cut out I glued the paper onto the cardboard cutout, assembled the store, and voila, when I lit the store here is the effect I got. The only difficulty I had was keeping the cutouts registered with the paper’s windows when I folded the store into shape.
When lit up the results were very good. What impressed me was the illusion that the window looked like it was inside the store when lit. This was a fun project. I would really love some feedback on what you think of my modification.
Jim made this building as a youth in the ’60s. He cut out the windows and used low voltage incandescent lights hooked up to his transformer accessories.
As a youth, back in the mid-60s, I had a small HO train layout. I made this for my grandchildren who are now getting into HO trains. They loved it. I will be using this technique on future projects.
On the topic of electrical safety and heat output from lighting buildings, especially paper ones, I don’t have the expertise to advise anyone.
I don’t personally believe low voltage LED’s can produce enough heat to create a fire hazard, even in an enclosed space like the paper store model I made. I have not found any low voltage LEDs that have gotten more than warm to the touch.
The buildings I made in the ’60s as a youth had all the windows cut out and I used low voltage incandescent lights hooked up to my transformer’s accessories, so there was plenty of ventilation. For the picture I sent you, I set the store over one of the lamps I used back then.
My plan for the grandchildren is to use low voltage, warm white LED’s mounted on a stand or onto their layout board itself and set the buildings over the lamps. I feel comfortable with this decision, but I don’t feel comfortable advising others on the subject. It is something to think about when using this technique with your models.
The photo above is the house we lived in that I made as a youth for my train layout with the lamps I used. I have 5 other homes I made that were all lit up the same way. Considering how young I was at the time and the resources available to me back then it made for a nice looking layout.”
Jim has indicated he would like to hear ideas from others in the hobby, including comments on using LED lights, heat output, etc. If you have an article and photo you would like to share with others, please contact the Blog Moderator with details by using the ASK A QUESTION link below.
A free catalog of 200+ model building plans is available from
You might be interested to know… the webpage featuring the 6 newest buildings in the range also includes an interesting list of around 60 ideas for industries that could be developed against the backdrop of a model train layout. The list, which is by no means complete, might stimulate some ideas. If you have any ideas for other industries, you can publish them in the COMMENTS under this post. Here is the webpage link with the list of 60 industries CLICK HERE
Now Available Individually, or in 3 Special Buy Packs
The newest series of plans is proving popular with OO, HO, and N scale model makers, so new options are now available for customers. The 6 downloadable plans can still be purchased individually. Added to this are 2 new special buy packs featuring 3 buildings in each, and a below half price pack featuring all 6 buildings in the series…the best buy!
There’s also a couple of helpful step-by-step video construction tutorials on the webpage and some scale charts to use as a guide to sizes. For details of the 3 special-buy packs CLICK HERE
Victor writes:
“What lighting should I use for above the doors of an older style ’50s country train station I’m going to build? I want the lights facing downward, and be in keeping with the scene. Would yellow 3mm LED’s above the doors under the overhang work? I know I’ll need to allow space for wires and resistors. I’m fishing for ideas if someone can help.”
In this video model railroader, Steve shows you how he printed out paper model structures, mounted them to his layout, and built a scene around them. As Steve says, “It was cheap & easy, and the end result is totally awesome!”