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Comparing DCC Brands

James asks:

“How do I know which of the many brands of DCC are compatible with which make/model of Engine?”

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Which Couplers?

John asks:

I recently bought some older rolling stock for N scale.  They all have Rapido couplers.  Can I stay with those as I develop a more modern train layout or should I find a modern coupler for the rolling stock that I want to use?  If so, what kind?”

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How Many Boosters Do I need?

Kenneth writes:

“I am building a DCC layout 5 metres by 3 metres around the room layout with an electric lift bridge at one end for access to the room. The layout will consist of the main station (up and down line) and adjacent branch line station and in this general area will be a wheat silo branch, works and way branch and a goods/cattle branch all interconnected.

The branch line runs to a terminating station with an adjacent fuel depot. Off the up and down lines on the opposite side of the layout will be two fiddle yards, with one off each of the up and down lines. Off the back of one of the fiddle yards is a line to a turntable and loco house.

I wish to break up the layout into power districts for short management control etc. The districts will be up line down line, wheat solo branch, goods/cattle-yard/works and way yards, branch line station and fuel depot, turntable, the electric lift bridge and the up and down fiddle yards. Each power district will be isolated from the other by insulated rail joiners on both rails and will be powered through an electronic short management device and powered by separated sub buses off the main bus line. I only propose operating two maybe three DCC sound-equipped locos at a time. I am using an NCE Power Cab. Do I need a booster for each power district?”

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Peco Turnout and Frogs

Sharad from India asks:

“I have always bought Bachmann & Hornby locos. My latest acquisitions are Bachmann: Pere Marquette 1218 (2-8-4) & Santa Fe 5034 (2-10-4). I did buy these big locos. Later I realized that I will require bigger # turnouts and frogs. Can you suggest which ones to use from PECO?”

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Bachmann Track Base Firmness

Lakshmi models HO scale and asks:

“I have set up my tracks on a strengthened glass platform (very firm and not soft). Will there be a problem of bounce and derailment, due to the firmness of the base?”

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DCC Loco Speakers

Doug asks readers:

“Is the DCC loco speaker (audio quality) pretty much the same – or are some less tinny and a bit more realistic in sound quality? If the latter, how does one tell before purchasing? Thanks for any help with this question.”

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NCE Power Cab

Alvin models N scale and asks readers:

How do I reduce the sound volume on my DCC locos with sound by using my NCE Power Cab?”

See the comments and suggestions below.

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GE BNSF GP 60M Digitrax Zephyr DCS52

Kim sent in details and a supporting photo of his layout to share:

train layout with Digitrax Zephyr DCS52

“My current HO layout has been running going into 3rd year. I have been running GE BNSF locomotive in the inner track which has incline and curve. My incline is a bit more than 2%. I run about 6 cars and it is doing fine with that. The curve is 18″. My outer track is considerably longer but is basically oval. I run 2 locomotive consists. All BNSF. Lead is a SD70 Ace and GP 60 M. I found that if the put the GP 60 M on the inner track I had to limit the number of cars. It has only 2 axle trucks so has fewer wheels pulling the train. The inner train with the GE ES44c4 has 3 axle trucks so more wheels pulling and longer wheelbases. This is all connected track with multiple points of power supply and I operate Digitrax Zephyr DCS52.”

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Rapido Parts

Tom writes:

“I’m old-fashioned and have 200 cars with Rapido couplers that work fine for me for years and grandkids. All the new engines come with Micro couplers. No one seems to know where I can get this Rapido replacement part for Micro diesel coupler? Any thoughts?”

Add your comments/suggestions below.

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Locomotive Only Runs Backwards

Christine models N scale and asks readers:

“I just bought Kato track cause it’s pretty…so that tells you about my expertise. I also got a double crossover and it is not connected to any transformer as I only have it to go in a permanent figure 8 like configuration. My loco stopped running forward. I can turn it around but it still goes backwards. I do not see any switches on the loco. Did I short it out? I would really appreciate help. Thank you!”

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Engine Lunges Forward

Bob models N scale and has this question:

“Whenever I turn the power supply off (MRC train power 5) it lunges forward. How do I bleed the power supply?”

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Cheap Rolling Stock

Usually, the advice from experienced model railroaders is to buy quality over quantity, but as James points out that is not always the case:

“Now if you are going to buy cheap, buy real cheap and use them for show. I buy real cheap Cars and use them on the layout in a number of ways. Old flat cars can be used for bridges, etc.”

Thanks for the quick tip James.

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Solder Feeder Wires

Jonathan models OO and asks:

How do we solder on feeder wires on a portable layout as I am terrible at electrics?”

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Steam Engine Piston Seals

Daniel models HO scale and asks:

“I have an old steam-driven engine that the piston no longer seals. Does anyone know of a way to refresh the seal on the piston?”

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DCC Engine Conversion

Marty asks readers:

“Does anyone know of a reliable company or companies that would convert non-DCC HO engines to DCC? Thank you.”

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DCC Steam Engine on Curved Track

Bill writes:

“I enjoyed Allan’s article on actual dimensions of curved track. I have a figure 8 raised track that my 4 axle locos will navigate, but not my 6 axel. I want to add a DCC steam engine with smoke and synchronized chuff, but do not want to have another unit that costs several hundred dollars that cannot run the track. Does anyone have suggestions?”

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DCC on Older Engines?

Kerry posted this:

“My Grandkids found some 20+ brand new–not out of box high-quality HO engines and full consists for each, that I purchased some 10-20 years ago but never built another layout until now. I am building one now but am not familiar with DCC at all. I have built several layouts before but have no experience with this DCC stuff. How would I know if these engines are convertible to DCC? What is a good guesstimate on the costs of converting them? Can I do this or should I just build it as DC? Thanks.”

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Problem With American Flyer Front Trucks

Daryl models S scale and would like some advice please:

“I have American Flyer from 1947 Steam locomotive. The front trucks continue to jump the tracks. This just started recently. “

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