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Turnout Confusion

George a newcomer to N scale poses these questions:

“I have a simple oval layout with two turnouts, both Kato #6 ( 1 ea. Left (R718-15^) and 1ea. Right (R718-15^)). The turnouts provide switching to an inside partial oval that parallels portions of straight sections in the middle of the oval, and the arcing section of the oval at only one end.

The problem I have is this:

1) If I throw both turnouts from the straight to switched position in preparation of my train accessing in the ‘inside’ leg, there is no power on my mainline and the train comes to a stop.

2) If I throw the first turnout (the #6 Left) to the switched position by itself to get the train onto the inside leg, I then have to throw it back to the straight position while simultaneously throwing the second turnout (the #6 Right) from the straight position to the switched position to get the train back onto the mainline.

3) There is no way to set the two switches so the train runs continually from the mainline to the inside leg without manipulating these turnouts as I’ve described.

I just started in this hobby a couple of weeks ago, so my ignorance is profound! But you see, I have a grandson ‘on the spectrum’ who is fascinated by trains and who I hoped would enjoy running trains with me, but this switching scheme is a frustration to him when he attempts to run the train.

Is there a remedy?”

3 Responses to Turnout Confusion

  • Ray says:

    Sounds like you have Insulfrog Turnouts which are great. Simple, just add bus wires to the inside track. [I dont think this is a reverse loop or it would short out]

  • Robert says:

    Is it possible that your wiring from the transformer is connected to the main line between the two switches as shown in position 1. If that is the case shift the wires to position 2 and that will solve your problem.

  • Randall Styx says:

    Ditto both Ray and Robert. Insulfrog turnouts (there are other names) are especially useful for sidings. Because only the leg to which the points direct the trains are powered through the turnout, the operator does not have to activate a separate switch to supply power to the siding. But if only the siding has power directly connected to it, when the turnout is switched to the other siding, neither the other siding nor the main line on the opposite side of the turnout will have power.

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