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Misaligned Track Joins

Gerrard posted this question:

“With the same idea as Wayne, I unpacked my train stuff from the cupboard. Great minds think alike HA! HA! A couple of tracks pieces are out of alignment and some of the brass (I think that’s what it is) gunk came off the ends. Similar question to Wayne’s, can I fix it, or should I toss the worst pieces in the garbage? Like to know thanks.”

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9 Responses to Misaligned Track Joins

  • Hervey says:

    If you have Brass track use it for static displays or throw it out. You probably have some form of oxidation. You can try cleaning it with vinegar and thoroughly cleaning it off and wiping it totally dry.
    For pieces that are “out of alignment” don’t use them. for anything you want your trains to move on. They will be a constant source of problems in the form of derailments.

  • Morgan Bilbo says:

    I don’t know Wayne. I am only guessing at what you are asking. If any track has “gunk” or “green stuff” on it. In order to use it, you Must get the stuff off. Do not try soaking. You will have to remove it by either grinding or rubbing. Or try sanding. But grinding or sanding leaves tiny scratches. Rubbing with a good cleanser might work. Depending on your budget, I would just get rid of it. Unless you are extremely frugal like I usually am. And since some is out of alignment, that’s another reason to junk it. Hope this helps.

  • Chuck Holsclaw says:

    Dirty track can be cleaned with goo gone. It’s a good degreaser and will clean the track, if it’s really bad you could use the goo gone and a brass wire brush for the rail sides and fine sandpaper for the top.

  • Chuck Holsclaw says:

    Trying using goo gone, it will clean dirty track. If it’s really dirty you could scrub with a brass wire brush and rail tops with fine sa9. I have used this method and it works. As for misaligned track, just throw it and replace it.

  • Gerrard says:

    Sorry my question wasn’t clear. From what you guys said I think the “gunk” is oxidation. I will have a go cleaning otherwise will buy some new track. Thnx.

  • David Stokes says:

    Sell your track to a collector or the local recycler – DO NOT just “dump it”. It is worth money to the right people and will not rot down in landfill.

  • phil johnson says:

    I would replace the brass track with N-S ASAP. If you live in a high humidity area, this corrosion will affect not only the the rail head but also rail joints. A never ending fight

  • Kim Ervin Fokken says:

    On my track I have used alcohol, you like rubbing alcohol

  • Patrick Tang says:

    If you insist on reusing the brass track, best thing I have found is to use a product called “Bar Keepers Friend”. Apply this to the brass track and rub and it should start to brighten the brass. Then wash off with water and scrub with a soft brush (I used a toothbrush). It will take off all dirt and oxidation, even the green oxidation. This stuff will work on steel as well to remove rust. It’s basically oxalic acid.

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