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Walthers GP9m and Blunami PNP8 on a GP15-1. DCC Conversion.

Stephen model HO scale and asks:

“Has anybody converted these to DCC successfully? And if so, how did you do it? I tried installing a WOWKit that was supposed to be the right fit, but soon after install, the decoder fried and I deemed it a loss. The motherboard seems to be fine, but I’m not sure where to go on from here. I had a partially successful install of the Blunami PNP8 on a GP15-1, so I’m thinking of making the switch. Thoughts?

One Response to Walthers GP9m and Blunami PNP8 on a GP15-1. DCC Conversion.

  • Faizal Hathy says:

    Hi, Sorry to note that you appear to have “fried” your Blunami Decoder. Here are a few things you can do.

    1. Contact george or norman at soundtraxx.com and explain exactly what happened/how you carried out the installation. Attach any videos/pictures of the Bluenami Decoder in closeup pictures. Soundtraxx is located in Durango, Colarado, USA.

    2. If its a new Bluenami decoder, or perhaps eve not so new, George / Norman will ask you to send it across for them to check it out and if they think otherwise, will with luck offer you a new replacement.

    Good Luck

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