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Märklin Engine Question

Tom posted this question:

“I need help. I bought a Märklin 36712 about 5 years ago and I just got it out of the box. There is no paper work with it. I tried to read the decoder with my ECoS digital command station ESU. I would be grateful if anybody can help with how to DCC it? Also, where to get manuals from in English not German? I have some photos if that will help. Do you know is there any modification I need to do? Many thanks.”

Märklin 36712 ECoS digital command station ESU

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Switch Lighting Question

Jim models HO and asks:

“I am using #200 Atlas snap relays and am trying to figure out the specs needed for green and red LED’s and the required resistors for each. I understand it is best to connect the 2 LED’s and appropriate resistor in series? I would appreciate any advice as I have never done this before. Thanks!”

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MRC Power Booster Hook Up

Dale has this question for anyone with MRC Power Booster experience:

“I decided to get back into Model railroading and bought a MRC Prodigy Express2 system. After finding out what I should have, I went with larger system for my layout. I would like to buy the MRC power booster and have a question on the hook up. Do I have to split my main tracks up by districts or can I just use the booster to increase my available amps?”

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Feasibility of 4% Grade

Pete asks:

I have done my HO layout using 2% Grades however one section just does not meet my elevation criteria.  I run fairly short trains – 7-10 freight cars pulled by a two loco consist.  Will a 4% grade that matches my prototype work?

model trains track grades

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New Designs Include 2 Grain Elevators, a Rural Train Station, US Style Barn, and a Large Barn/Stables Building

The Combined Farms Pool Elevator and the Farmers Coop Store & Transport structures pictured below are among 7 new designs just released for railroading enthusiasts and diorama model builders. The downloaded PDF plans can be constructed using cardboard (a recycled cereal pack is ideal) to OO gauge size, HO scale or N scale. Although not really necessary, some modelers might prefer to glue scrap pieces of card or corflute inside the models for additional strength. It’s easy to do. Texture is provided for the posts pictured on the loading bay of the Farmers Coop Store & Transport building, but using pieces of balsa wood that can be painted to the color of your choice is probably the easiest method for making the posts. The designs are all pre-weathered with rust marks, windows, dirt and grime etc.

grain elevator scale farm models

The new series also include a small country train station which could serve other purposes too, as well as a tall red stable barn building complete with outside toilet (or storage shed), and a tradition US style red barn structure. These too can be made to OO, HO, S, or N scale. The plans can be downloaded from the website https://www.modelbuildings.org See more on the website.

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NEW! Just Released – Tractor Equipment Shed, and Rural Freight Depot Designs To Download and Build

ho scale tractor shed models

7 new plans have just been added to the existing range of farm buildings that can be made to HO scale, OO gauge, or to N scale. There are two new grain silos, a tractor/equipment shed (pictured above), a traditional US style barn, a large red stable/barn, a small rural station, and a rural freight depot (which could have a number of uses). The PDF plans are simple and quick to download, print, ready for construction using card.

See the new designs at https://www.modelbuildings.org

HO scale freight depot models

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Cover for DCC Drop in Boards

David has this question:

“Does anyone know where to buy the plastic slip-on cover for DCC drop in boards?”

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Fleischmann Profi-Track and American Rolling Stock

Don who model in HO asks:

“I have a very large collection of Fleischmann profi track and turnouts. My layout is an around the room. My Walthers SD60 locomotives run without problems through all turnouts and track. My cars on the other hand derail almost everywhere even on some straight sections. I have inspected the track where the derailments occur and have discovered nothing out of the ordinary. I am getting frustrated. I have spend a great deal of money on the Fleischmann Profi. But I don’t want to spend all of my time fixing derailments. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am using Walthers rolling stock of various sizes with metal wheels and Walthers couplers. Thanks for your thoughts and help.”

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N Scale Ballast Quantity

Steve asks:

“When purchasing fine ballast for N scale track, how much track can be completed with a ballast package. Or, how much should I expect to use per 3’ section of track?”

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Power and Rail Length Limitations

Bob asks:

“Greetings, I am looking to return to model railroading after many years. Due to space limitations indoors, I am looking to build outdoor layout. Cost factors have me looking at nickle track HO. If I read correctly the newer DCC presents options. I am looking to see how many feet or meters of track can be supplied per power source? Any other support information is gladly welcomed.”

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Converting Märklin Stock to Run on DC Platform

Ed asks:

“I have a number of HO Märklin cars that I would like to convert wheels and couplers to be usable with my DC engines and cars. Can anyone advise me how best to make these conversions – suggest the couplers to use and how to change out the wheels, including what wheels to buy? Thanks a lot.”

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Locomotive Goes in One Direction Only?

Roger W posted this question:

“My Athearn DCC loco I picked up at a swap meet has issues, and I’m not sure of the cause. It has been sitting in a cupboard since I got it so perhaps I got a dud. It goes fine in reverse but won’t move very well going forward. I turned the power right up to 28 and it hardly moved before coming to a halt. The unit hums but nothing. I gave it a bit of a push and the motor tried to turn but it still hardly moved. I tried different decoders and even reset the factory values on one, but to no avail. I had a look under the shell and at the trucks, but could see any foreign objects getting in the way. What am I missing? Help appreciated please. Thanks in advance guys.”

If you can assist Roger please add a comment.

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Helix Calculations For Double Track

Joe came across the free helix calculator and is interested to hear from anyone who has constructed a double track helix layout:

“Can a helix calculator be used for a double track layout?  What modification, if any, would need to be made?”

Add your comments if you have any advice for Joe with the construction of his double track helix.

A link to use a free helix calculator is available for readers under the Railroad Resources tab in the top Navigation Bar at https://www.modelbuildings.org

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A Issue With Drooping Couplers or is Couple Height The Problem?

Warren asks readers:

“I have observed that some of my HO Kadee couplers are sagging a bit low on two locos. I notice one coupler shank seems a bit loose in the coupler box and at times angles down towards the rail. Is there a way to fix this? How high should my couplers be? Advice please someone.”

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Hand-Laying Track

Dale asks readers:

“Hand-laying HO track is fairly easy; simply spike the rails to the ties (sleepers). Does anyone have experience hand-laying N scale, code 80, track? Are the spikes going to be strong enough, or is it better to glue the rails down?”

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April 25th Tribute. Anzac Day marks the anniversary of the first campaign which led to major casualties for Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. The acronym ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, whose soldiers were known as Anzacs. Sadly, due to COVID 19 the normal dawn services held across both New Zealand and Australia on April 25 cannot be held. This year hundreds of thousands of Kiwis and Aussies are likely to stand together at driveways on Anzac Day to commemorate the fallen and those who served their nations.

Below is a photo of an old New Zealand railcar that came into service between 1954 and 1958.

N Z railcar 1954

Below is a 1970’s commuter train that operated in Sydney, Australia.

Sydney Commuter train 1970's Australia

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Pontefract Model Railway Exhibition Remembered

Ian took this photo, but he’s not sure what year it was, of the Pontefract Model Railway Exhibition in the UK. If some can place the scene and time, maybe they can share a comment.

Pontefract Model Railway Exhibition

Thanks for sharing.

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Remembering The Cardiff Model Railway Show

Cory shares this photo he snapped at the Cardiff Model Railway Show in the UK that he attended some time back. The 34th Cardiff Model Railway Exhibition is scheduled for 17th & 18th October 2020 all going well.

Cardiff Model Railway Show

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