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16 Enthusiasts Start Model Railroad Club In 1949

It all began on April 4, 1949, when 16 model train enthusiasts gathered together at a local hobby shop and formed the Glendale Model Railroad Club.

Then in 1968, work started on the present railroad with the laying of 3,000 feet of rail encompassing 400 feet of a single track mainline and three classification yards, all on a framework measuring 25 by 40 feet.

Over the next two years miles of electrical wiring installed to provide not only for operation of the trains, but illumination of trackside signals, street lights and the buildings that comprise the cities and towns. In addition, the trolley and branch lines materialized, a narrow gauge railway was built and more scenery began to cover the framework of the layout itself.

The Verdugo Valley Lines portrays operations of the Southern Pacific Railroad between downtown Los Angeles and the city of Bakersfield over 100 miles to the north. Intermediate stations represented in miniature are: San Fernando, Saugus, Lancaster, Mojave and Caliente. As a visitor views the layout, the foreground from right to left is occupied by the Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal and supporting coach yards, roundhouse, diesel facilities, Taylor Yard (the massive facility that in real life stretched for more two miles along San Fernando Road), the Glendale station and finally, at far left, the city of Burbank.

The diesels above are being serviced at Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal on the Glendale Model Railroad Club layout. Visitors can see this scene from just inches away–it is right up by the front aisle.

The two locos above are spotted at our Taylor Yard area. Notice the rattlesnakes between the tracks!

The Glendale Model Railroad Club has its own website http://www.gmrrc.org/ and the street address is – Glendale Model Railroad Club, 619 Hahn Ave.Glendale, CA 91203

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