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How To Cut Flexible Track
Flexi track is a popular option for many model railroaders but sometimes it needs to be cut to fit the layout.
The following are three different methods for cutting flexible track:

1. A mini tool fitted with a cutting disc can be used for cutting track as it generally results in a clean cut. This can be finished off with a rub with a small file to clean the cut in readiness for a fishplate.
Mini tools are also useful when for cutting track that is already glued or tacked in place, and for cutting isolation gaps into existing trackwork.
2. Track saws are marketed by several companies and are easy to use and can provide a clean cut. It is often easier to cut the track using a wood block with two grooves cut into it at the correct width for the scale to hold the rails when it is sawn.
3. Another option worth testing is using mini bolt cutters. These can easily cut through trackwork leaving a clean cut that requires virtually no cleaning up in readiness for attaching a fishplate.
Bolt cutters have an advantage over something like a razor saw in that they don’t usually wear out as easily and will last for years if treated correctly.
However, be careful of buying cheap quality tools as they often don’t last or do the job properly. Also, be aware that mini bolt cutters may not be suitable for the larger scales.
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