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Train show videos

My series of model train videos includes tours of several private layouts… not normally open to the public. You’ll alsoget to visit some model train shows including one in Brisbane, Australia and one in Wanganui, New Zealand. You’re sure to get some ideasyou might not have seen before.

The videos of the New Zealand train show have proved very popular with many enthusiasts, including Matt from the USA. Here is what Matt had tosay in a recent email:

“I’m up to week 12 in your videos and am enjoying them. I’ve watched the 3 videos of the Wanganui train show about four times. They’re wonderful to watch.”Matt G, USA

This train show videos includes a Street Tram, a Z scale layout with buildings constructed from cereal packs, an N scale European layout, a quick look at some G scale trains and a busy HO layout with diesel and steam engines plus a operating gondola and more.

Continue your Train Show Tour with a close look at two amazing HO layouts. The first is the Rocky River Railroad with double-headed locos hauling coal, tankers and other freight through tunnels and climbing steep grades. This is rough terrain and spectacular to watch. By contrast the next layout is a busy European Railway packed with fascinating with scenery ideas and a wonderful mix of freight and passenger trains.

The scratch-built coal loading facility is one of the first things you’ll spot when you see the Bay Railway Modelers ‘Ironbridge Flats Railroad’ HO layout in operation. Watch an Amtrak passenger train power through a railroad crossing and disappear into a tunnel as a couple of Santa Fe locos haul freight through an industrial area.

Then there’s the UK Southern Railway layout to get even more ideas from. You’ll see a mix of steam and diesel locomotives operating and spot some excellent examples of brickwork, a water tower, character buildings including a church, railway station platform and cleverly designed countryside.The street scenes will certainly get the creative juices flowing.

If you haven’t already got the videos, then here’s where you can get them


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