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O Gauge Future In Question?

Ed has an o gauge layout and asks this question about the future of O gauge, technology and model railroading in general:

“I have been into o gauge trains for over 60 years. Having said that if you buy trains today, which I have many, the value seems to drop faster and repairs are very hard to do unless you replace the expensve componants.

With the old trains you can fix this, or get a few new brushes, and you were back in good shape.
What do your readers see as the future of trains? How can more young people be attracted to the hobby?

And, making parts available, that can be replaced easily by the owner?

Hope you understand what I am trying to say. Train prices are very high and the money is getting tight. Now, what will be the future of o gauge trains?”

Thanks Ed, I sure there will be someone who would like to share an opinion.

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