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Harold’s Layout

Harold has kindly sent in this information and photo to publish. It looks like his layout will keep him busy. Here is what Harold has to say:

I’d like to introduce you to my layout. I don’t have any special name for it. I’ll just call it Harold’s Layout because it’s not modeled after anything in particular. Just some images in my mind I’ve developed over the years of trains passing through mountains, over rivers, lakes, valleys, and passing though towns.

I’ve always had an interest in trains ever since I can remember.

A little about myself. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago at the young age of 57 with early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease. So this layout is a means for me to keep my mind going. Keep me thinking. Keep me trying to be creative. I hope someday one of my children or grandchildren will take it and keep it up and add to it.

I started Harold’s Layout about 2 years ago from scratch. I’ve been working on it ever since. It’s a 9′ x 6′ foot table made from 1″ x 4″ lumber, quarter inch Plywood top with half inch foam glued onto the plywood top. The legs are made of 1″ x 4″ lumber that are bolted to the table top so I can take it apart and two men can easily move the table if needed.

I also built a removable storage self underneath the table out of 1″ x 3″ lumber and quarter inch plywood to store my MR Magazines and my power packs for my trains. I put the terrain in using foam risers, foam sheets, some plaster cloth, lightweight hydrocal, and sculp-a-mold.

Tracks are layed down over foam roadbed. I have 3 trains sets. I am currently making rocks and boulders in molds with lightweight hydrocal and glueing them into the mountainous areas. Soon will start painting and putting in the color.

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