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Gold Coast Model Railway Club Features Static Displays

Model Railroading is alive and well down-under in countries like Australia and New Zealand. The methods and scales are basically the same as in the Northern Hemisphere, although some of the scenery modeled is different.

Down-under they tend to use the British term ‘railway’ rather than the more commonly used term in North America of ‘railroad’. The Aussies and Kiwi use British spelling so words like modeling (US) becomes modelling, color (US) becomes colour, signaling (US) becomes signalling, DCC controled becomes DCC controlled. So if you read a book and the spelling seems a bit strange, it may just be that it is written in a different country.

Here is some information about the an Australian RR club based on the Gold Coast in Queensland just south of Brisbane.

David the President of the GOLD COAST MODEL RAILWAY WORKSHOP has submited these details for publication:

The Gold Coast Model Railway Club Workshop has the largest number of static layouts in Queensland. The displays encompass the following gauges :

N Gauge. This is currently being expanded.

HO/OO Gauge ( one circuit of track on either the ‘up or ‘down line = 1 scale mile in each direction ). This contains sections which are representative of America, British Rail and Europe. It is erected in a letter ‘E’ configuration, (but there are four ‘arms’, thus each ‘arm’ represents its own world of modelling.

This layout is being upgraded adding a turntable that will turn a ‘ bigboy’ loco.

0n30 Gauge Digitally controlled and growing in size.

0 Gauge This is incorporated with the 0n30.

G Gauge This is full sound and electronic controlled.

The Gold Coast Model Railway Club Workshop’s exhibition layout is D.C.C controlled and named ‘ United Nations ‘.

It is built from members modules, which are called ‘in ‘ when it goes out to an exhibition. As such it’s size can be varied from small to very large dependent on the venue. The Gold Coast Model Railway Club runs trains/engines which are representative of the world wide fraternaty of model railways.

The GOLD COAST MODEL RAILWAY WORKSHOP located at 16 KENDOR ST, LABRADOR, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA is open to the general public every Saturday 10.00am to 4.00pm.

The Gold Coast Model Railway Club would enjoy your company

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