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Laying Curves On HO Layout

Mike is building an HO layout and has a question to test your knowledge:

“I am just starting my dream layout and my question for readers involves laying curves in HO track. I have heard that you should follow some procedure when starting a curve from a straight (tangent?) track. It involves measuring the curve to meet the straight track, with some kind of adjustment to it. I want to run long (20-30) car trains. Does anyone know of this procedure?”

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3 Responses to Laying Curves On HO Layout

  • lwmlwm44 says:

    Not familar with a procedure but I would like to know moore about this too. The only thing I can suggest is to make your curves or turns as wide as possible as far as the radius of the curve is.

    I have some rather wide turns……but not as wide as some folks use……..the radi on my largest turns are 26 and 28 in.

    Larry St. Louis Mo.

  • Anonymous says:

    The “item” you are referring to is known as an easement. Basically, this is nothing more than a LARGE radius curve leading (easing) the train into the sharper final radius of the track. Simple to do and there are many ways to accomplish this. There are a number of sites on the web, there are a number of templates one can purchase and there are many articles in the model railroad magazines on how to do this. Definitely recommended with long trains of 20 plus cars.

  • jackson54321 says:

    Guys: You (I think) are referring to the laying of an easement track. Basically, this is nothing more than a series of extremely wide curves of short duration spiraling down to the final radii of your track. If, for example, your final radius is 30″ the easement curve might be 50″ or so at the tangent (straight track) gradually decreasing down to your final 30″. There are many articles in the popular magazines on how to configure them and there also a number of web sites that have printable templates you can use. Using easements is not difficult and they give a tremendous visual appeal to your layout. Definitely recommended for long trains.

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