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HO Roads

Carl wants to hear from anyone who has build HO scale roads:

“Can someone tell me, for HO scale, what is the width for a two lane road for automobiles? Thank you.”

One Response to HO Roads

  • Anonymous says:

    >>”Can someone tell me, for HO scale, what is the width for a two lane road for automobiles? Thank you.”

    Five inches.

    On real-world roads travel lanes are typically between 10 and 12 feet wide; anything narrower is impassable by trucks or busses. However, width increases with speed, so on interstate freeways it is not uncommon to have lane widths of 16 feet. Parking lanes are 7-9 feet, bicycle lanes are 4-6 feet, and both paved and unpaved shoulders are anywhere between 1 and 20 feet wide depending on location and speed.

    An HO road with two 11 foot travel lanes would be 3 inches in HO, but would look unrealistic because most roads have a shoulder of some sort. 5 inches is best as it includes a 7 foot shoulder/bike/parking lane on each side, but if that is too wide you could compress it to 4 inches, which includes a 3.5 foot shoulder on each side.

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