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Port Destiny Terminal RR

Andrew would like to share his layout progress with others and has sent in this information and photos for publication.

Photo above is Port Destiny Terminal RR’s rebuilt alco rsd4 with an emd engine heading out of the yard heading for the interchange .

“My Port Destiny RR is a fictional railroad set along the North coast of Florida between Pensecola and Panama City Florida. It was started right after WWII started by the US Navy to give the Navy a secluded naval base.

A connection was made to both Southern RWY in Alabama and the L&N just east of Pensecola , both Railroads where ordered to operate it.

Photo above is at the main dock with Port Destiny Terminal RR’s rebuilt alco rsd4 with an emd engine working the yard .

After the war ended the Navy no longer needed the port and turned over the operations to the Southern and the L&N. The Port grew starting with fishing and canneries and it became a more covient port for Bananas and coffee coming in from South America, and then as the oil exploration in the Gulf of Mexico took off the port recieved a lot of that business.

The layout is currently set in the early 1970’s and is a shelf layout built in a space of 30 inches by 10 feet plus a small staging yard on one in, I have plans to extend the layout in the future.

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