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Logging Equipment For HO Layout

Ronald is building an HO sawmill and logging layout and would like to hear from others who have built a similar layout:

“I am building a logging and sawmill layout. There are not a lot of suppliers of equipment that I have been able to find. The piece of equipment I am especially interested in is a lumber carrier used in sawmills. It was a machine that drove over the top of the piles of lumber piled off the greenchain, clamped the load and then drove it to varies places. Appreciate and ideas if anyone makes this machine. Thanks.”

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One Response to Logging Equipment For HO Layout

  • It is great that people are thinking about the environment and working to make the world a safer place. Not only the materials that you are using on your home are safe for the environment but dump trucks have come a long way since the earlier models. We are learning and expanding and coming up with a wide range of safer more effective vehicles for the work force. I think it is great that many auto manufacturers are turning to hybrid vehicles to protect the environment and now they are even using hybrid dump trucks.

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