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Newbie To Hobby Asks For Help

Milan is just getting started in model railroading and is hoping some of the “old Pro’s” will give him some help and encouragement. To help Milan add your feedback using the green comments link below his posting:

“I have a couple of questions if someome would please be kind enough to help with. I am new at trains and would love to get started with n scale. The train which is making me get started in the prr broadway limited.

My dilemma is this – I don’t like the g11 that pulled this part way but do like the e8 (tuscan red) engines. I would like to run two but cannot figure out on how one will run facing forward and the other back.

My plans are to start analog and then work my way into dcc. Is there a dummy of this engine? This would make it a little cheaper. Everything that I have seen and like is is from Kato. My hopes are to do the the right thing first time around even if I purchase one thing at a time.

Also, I would like to run the v11 configuration with the double track. Maybe somewhere down the road I can get my second train and run them with dcc. Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.”

One Response to Newbie To Hobby Asks For Help

  • Tony says:

    First we need more details of what you are doing. scale, what you have already done etc.
    Next first if you are planning on going to “DCC”, DO IT NOW!!!
    it will save you time and money in the long run.
    There should be dummy loco’s out there but do yourself a favor and use all motorized loco’s when possible. If these are new and they dont have a reverse switch, (which they probably dont) on them, in the box should be a wiring diagram and with a few wires switched you should be able to accomplish what you want. or contact the manufacturer and they should be able to help you to run one loco backwards.

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