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RR Layout In Unheated Area

Readers in colder areas might have some suggestions for Jim:

“My son and I would like to put up our RR layout in our barn/workshop. We don’t have room in the house, and the barn is unheated. If we use a space heater to warm it up when we’re out there and it freezes otherwise, will we hurt our engines? Is there a temperature that they won’t run below?”

One Response to RR Layout In Unheated Area

  • Tony says:

    The whole idea seems to be a bad idea. Forget about your loco’s your layout will ultimately “sooner or later” probably SOONER warp and be distorted, your track will rust or pit and separate. If you overcome this, Your loco’s motors could be damaged, unless you bring them in after each use, and you cars.
    one alternative is to look into “garden type out door” trains and see if their set ups will withstand the great climate changes that will take place in a barn or unheated area, damp, dry etc. There are plenty of magazines that will help you decide which way to go.

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