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Schematic, Contact Switch And DCC Digitrax

Charlie wants to hear from anyone who can help him with schematic plans and asks:

“Can some one please tell me where to get a schematic of how to wire a stationary decoder, a momentary contact switch and a turn out using DCC Digitrax. I want to operate the switch from my throttle, but also have the option to operate it manually. I am using PECO turnouts and Peco switch machines. Thanks a million.”

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One Response to Schematic, Contact Switch And DCC Digitrax

  • Good news! Since you are using the Digitrax system, this is a straightfoward problem to solve. You can use the Digitrax DS64 stationary decoder. It connects to your throttle via LocoNet, and you can wire momentary pushbuttons directly to the inputs. Both methods work together: Pushing the button sends a LocoNet message to let your throttle know that the turnout has been switched. Instructions for this are on p. 9 of the DS64 manual that comes with it.

    Wiring the button is less than clear in the manual, though. The DS64 can work up to four turnouts, labeled 1–4. And, there are several inputs, labeled A1–A4 and S1–S4. To control the turnout connected to output 1 (say), you need to wire your button to the +COM terminal (the common return) and the S1 terminal (NOT A1). And that’s it! Everytime you press the button, the turnout will alternate between closed and thrown.

    Hope that helps.

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