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Shay Locomotives

Andrew has an HO layout and wants to hear from anyone who has a shay locomotive or knows something about the history of shay locomotives:

“How many different Shays have been designed, and is Bachmann the only company that has produced Shay models?”


The Shay locomotive (named after the late Ephraim Shay of Michigan) was the most widely used geared steam locomotive. Ephraim Shay wanted a new way to get logs to the mill instead of just floating them down a river. In or around 1877, Ephraim Shay invented the idea of an engine sitting on a flat car with a boiler, gears, and trucks that could pivot.

Between 1878 and 1945 the Lima Locomotive Works manufactured nearly every Shay. They were is four classes and ranged from 6 to 160 tons:

Class A – two cylinders, two trucks, 6 and 24 tons.
Class B – three cylinders, two trucks, 10 and 80 tons.
Class C – three cylinders, three trucks, 40 and 160 tons.
Class D – three cylinders, four trucks, 100 and 150 tons.

It was not unknown for Shay locomotives pulling a heavy load to leave the track after failing to respond to a change in track curvature. This was usually before or after an uphill curve.

2 Responses to Shay Locomotives

  • Tony says:

    Shays are real nice to watch and operate. I have 2 in n scale and will probably not stop there. it is an addiction.
    If you are really interested look them up on line. There are a lot of articles on these, real life and models.
    Atlas builds a really nice product. and there are other manufactures out there that make them I happen to like atlas best right now but if something better comes along I will try them just keep looking and keep on Shayen.

  • Anonymous says:

    If you want to see the REAL Shays in action, plan your next vacation to take a trip to Cass Scenic Railroad in Cass, West Virginia! I grew up about an hour and a half to two hours from there, and have been there several times over the years!!! Well worth the trip for Shay lovers!!!! Check them out on the web as a teaser!!!!!!

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