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16 Year Old Needs Help With Layout Landscape And Ballasting

Sixteen year old Adam needs some help and ecouragement from others in the hobby and asks:

“Hi, Iwas planning my layout and I have got no idea how to ballast or landscaping at all. I went to a model show a few days ago and watched a fellow modeller landscape but not ballast he used some specialling builder’s plaster but I don’t know what it is called. Its seem pretty simple to landscape but I have had many tries ballasting and I just can’t get it right.

All my locos keep derailing on it. Would any one be able to help me?”

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The Model Train Help Ebook has many good pointers on landscaping and track ballasting.

One Response to 16 Year Old Needs Help With Layout Landscape And Ballasting

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Adam, The model train ebook is a great suggestion. that being said you need to lay your track on a solid foundation first. start with a plywood board and if you are going to use a styrofoam base on top of that or not, that would be a good start. now decide if you are going to use a cork or other material road bed or if you are going to glue track directly to the styrofoam, or (by the way you can do the same directly on top of the plywood with out the styro if you want and nail (stake) it down. once this is done you should have a stable track and should eliminate derailments. Also solder the rail joints making sure that they are straight and in alignment Again the book should give you start to finish set up with the table and base and ballasting of any kind, it may seem simple but some times you just need a little help to make it clear. remember a good start and accuracy makes a good ending. Keep the model RR rolling!!!! most of all have fun!!
    Tony P

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