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Homasote on MDF Board

Stuart has two questions for anyone who has used Homasote and asks:

1. I plan to lay on Homasote (compressed paper) supported by MDF boards. Should I use cork underlay as well?


2. If I mark parallel lines just outside where the track will lay and paint glue between the lines, could I lay track then ballast in order minimize the use of track pins which will not hold very well in the Homasote?

All opinions very welcome – I am old but “beginner” status.

Definition: Homasote is a pressed paper construction board often used for model railroad roadbed.

One Response to Homasote on MDF Board

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Stuart, If you did not buy the homasote yet, you might want to bring it back if you did, you might want to consider styrofoam (styro)instead its lighter and easier to work with and you will get the same results with out the weight and difficulty of using homasote. You can use 1 sheet 1″ thick or thicker 2sheets one on top of the other to later create cut outs for rivers, lakes and ponds and other lower level ideas as you go or what ever you want. The process is the same you glue it down and the track you glue to the styro and you can use cork for road bed or actually cut out the styro to make a road bed. I always like to dry run everything and mark out where the track is going to go. In the past I actually nailed down all my track directly to the plywood, I liked the sound, but a lot of hit fingers and bent nails and broken track, if you decide to use road bed and track directly on the plywood you can glue it the same way and or nail it, drill first for the nails and use a needle nose pliers to hold the nails. Dont forget to solder all your joints in the track for good conducting of electric and less derailments. Tony P

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