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Tunnel Portals and Building Doors and Windows

Charles has a question for readers relating to different scales:

“How can I figure out the size of HO – O & G scale buildings doors, windows and walls etc. and also tunnel portals? Also, is there a scale ruler I can use?”

I hope Charles is not mixing his scales as that could look a bit strange. However, if you can help Charles, use the green comments link below to add your thoughts.

2 Responses to Tunnel Portals and Building Doors and Windows

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Charles, first what scale are you modeling in??? There are templates of the different scales that you can buy in a hobby shop or order on line. if you have all of the scales that you mention are you going to use them all or just display them? if you dont care it doesnt matter but to most modelers they usually stick to one scale to be more life like. I said this before when I was a kid I did not care about scales and had 3 differnt scales on a 8×8 layout now I am older I have one scale that I actually set up on a layout. If by some chance I come across something in another scale that I really like I will use it for display only. Tony P

  • Larry says:

    Yes, there is a scale ruler you can use. The Scale Card (http://www.thescalecard.com/) is a credit-card sized clear plastic device that fits easily in your wallet, it has a ruler on two sides, another tool to check diameters, and an illustration of a human man, woman and one year old child in perfect scale size. They also have straight rulers. They are available in a multitude of sizes and will probably have exactly what you need.

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